Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cindy Anthony.

Cindy Anthony is called to the stand. Here comes the jury. Baez asks about Lee going into CA's room at night. She says no. Lee is not in the courtroom..State objects to ask more about an alleged incident between Lee and Casey. Sidebar called. Six  months ago, Ciindy Anthony testified Caylee was still alive. She believed there still was a chance. A memorial for Caylee Antony was held in 2009 and Cindy Anthony had Caylee's remains cremated. Baez asked if still thought she was alive?ObjectBaez is asking about Cindy Anthony telling CA about George blowing up at media. All objections have been sustained. ion/sustained.  Baez asks Cindy Anthony if she knew there were no tv's in cells at the jail. She says she knows. indy  toldCA the media's new theory was Cayle  drowned. State says Casey said "surprise surprise" right? Yes. Cindy  said media was screaming at them and throwing out theories. She thought at the time Caylee was alive & missing.Jurors watch Cindy leave the stand and walk back to her seat. George is now taking the stand. 

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