Saturday, May 28, 2011


Cindy Anthony is now on the witness stand. She has been in court every day of her daughter’s trial. 

Cindy Anthony asks for a bottle of water when walking   to the witness stand.Cindy's voice is shaky. She has lived on Hopespring road since 1989. They moved there when Caylee was 3 and Lee was 8. Her parents lived in Florida and George's parents were in Florida in the winter.In 2005, Caylee was born, Cindy smiles. She identifies Casey was the mother. She found out June 30th, 2005. Casey was pregnant,  Casey came and told her while she was at work. Cindy did not have an office so Casey and her went to Cindy's car and spoke. At her brother's second marriage  on June 8, 2005. Casey attended the wedding. Cindy was not suspicious of Casey being pregnant  until the day of the wedding.Casey always had  trouble  with her periods.They both had the same cycle. They both had issues with bloating with their periods and always joked whether they  looked  pregnant. Casey had been sedentary and she thought she was gaining weight. She had gained only 15 pounds during her pregnancy. It was not a situation they were trying to hide. When the found out she was pregnant they told all family members. Cindy started planning  a shower. They started planning for Caylees arrival. They had Caylee's nursery  finished in 2 weeks. They had a Winnie the Pooh theme. Cindy Anthony is crying as she identifies a photo of Caylee’s bed. Cindy sobs and covers her mouth. Cindy apologizes for her tears. She testifies the pillowcase is missing but it is her bed. She identifies the stuff animals in the bed.  Casey Anthony does not show much emotion as her mother wipes away tears. The jurors have notepads on their laps but none appears to be taking note . Cindy is obviously upset. The.jurors seem to be attentive to the video monitors as they are shown a series of photo exhibits.Cindy Anthony is crying on the stand. Cindy is showed a layout of the home on Hopespring road..Cindy identifies it as true. Cindy shows them on the layout where Caylee's room was and where ee Casey's room is placed.  Cindy testifies that they do not use the front door as an entryway.They use the garage door. She is shown an aerial view of the home. She testifies it as an accurate view of the home the home in now. In 2008, they removed the grass, from the back of the home. They have been unable to grow grass since 2008. The have placed concrete in the backyard since 2008.  The pool and the shed remain in the same place.  She is shown an area where there was grass in 2008 and ow there is concrete. There are three sheds on the property. The entire property is fenced The only entry way has a shed at the entrance. It is purposely placed to prevent entrance . the door is locked and then padlocked. She identifies Caylees playhouse and the pool. She identifies the pic of the front of house from 2008.
She identifies the area marked by prosecuter, as the entryway to the home. The prosecuter marks the pic of the left hand side of the house. It is the pic of the only entrance to the back yard in 2008. The prosecuter marks the garage door and it is identified.  Cindy thindentifies the next pic as the pic of the left side of the house after entering the gate door.  The prosecuter marks two sheds in that entryway. Cindy identifies them . There is a structure beyond the sheds and it is a partial view of the pool. She identifies the top of the pool as about 4 feet. Cindy is 5'4'. The pool is about chest high. Cindy states the yards slopes . There is about a foot difference from the lowest point of the pool to the highest point.  Cindy is being shown a pic of the back yard with a pic of Caylee's playhouse.  Beyond the playhouse, not  inte pic, is the area in the yard from the the kitchen access. Cindy cries as she sees Caylees picnic table and sandox . The house has a mailbox. It is very sweet.  Casey shakes her head'No"  Cindy testifies the pic is an accurate description of that area. Cindy is crying . She testifies they made a patio stone floor in the playhouse so Caylee did not have to sit on grass. She got the house on her Caylee second birthday. Lee and Cindy purchased the house.  The landscaping was done by George and Cindy. Cindy bought the mailbox.  Cindy remains crying. 
She is shown a pic of the inside the house. She identifies it as a true  and accurate description.She identifies the doors to backyard. There are locks on screen doors with. locks at "normal height. There is a door from the master bedroom, as well. There are no obstacles in door way. Sometimes she used master door when exiting the pool to master bathroom.The door by kitchen is door utilized to access the backyard. Cindy identifies the inside house pic as it was in July, 2008. Cindy testifies the house was childproofed the home with doorknob protection and outlet  protection.Casey purchased child protection apparatus to prevent the opening of doors and outlet protection.
Caylee could make her needs known verbally. She could tell you a story. Caylee lived at the Hopesping address her entire life. Casey always lived with George and Cindy all her life. If Casey and Caylee spent the night outside of home she would see them the next day.

Cindy  never went more than 24 hours without seeing Caylee.Cindy was on vacation in  June 2008. She usually takes he birthday week off. She had Caylee on Fathers day, 2008. Lee and Casey had plans so she wen to see her father in nursing home. Casey was working. She is shown a pic of Caylee taken at nursing home. It was June 15, 2008.Casey is wiping tears. Caylee was  3ft tall. She was above Cindy's waist level. 'She appx weights as 30lbs. She could still carry her if she had to.After the nursing home, they went to go have lunch with Cindy's mother. they returned home appx 430p. Casey was not home. Caylee wanted to go swimming but she told Caylee she had to eat first. They went swimmng later. They access the pool via ladder.The ladder  has a detachable exterior ladder. When Caylee was a toddler thy started moving the exterior ladder. The "lip" of the pool is mid sternum to Cindy. Cindy is testifying as to the height and weight of ladder. "A small child could not lift it" per Cindy. On June 15th, she put the ladder on the pool. Caylee waited patiently. Caylee was able to clmb the ladder, to enter the pool, while protected by 
Cindy. Caylee would see on platform at top of ladder and await Cindy behind her , to enter the pool and hold her while Caylee was in the pool. She protected her. They spent a long time in the pool. Caylee would wear a life jacket in the pool. Casey came home while they were in the pool. Casey did not get into the pool. Casey assisted Caylee out of the pool. She had a towel and they Casey was going to help Caylee shower. Cindy took the ladder off the pool "as usual."  "That evening was a very emotional and beautiful evening.. I remember yet as if it were yesterday." She had recorded the visit with her father, as he was in hospice and she did not know if it was the last time she would see her father. They watched the video and photographs in Lee's old room , on the computer , and they cried together. Eventually, George came home . She went to bed early as she was the early supervisor at work. She never saw Caylee again. She believed Caylee was in her home when she left. Cindy weeps. 
Cindy believed Caylee had a job. She was an event coordinator. Her hours varied, sometimes she worked in the evening and most times sh worked in the eveniing. She thought  it was true because Casey had a lanyard ID with the Universal name and she saw emails and texts from her boss. Sometimes she work other peoples name tag. She said CAsey told her it was something her and her coworker did. CASey had pics of her from work. They pics were from before Caylee was born. She believed Casey went back to work. She denies it was what SHE  thought it was true but she knew it was true because Casey went to human resources. There was time Cindy talked to  Casey's boss  in regard to Casey possible being let go because of exhausted the amt of allowable reprimands. Cassey showed her emails from boss n 2008. Casey printed and showed her emails of the schedule of Spring 2008. Casey then left to work.  Cindy and George babysat when they were not working. On June 16th, 2008. She believed Casey had a babysitter named Zanny. She was a friend of Casey's. She was one of the primary babysitters. She did not know Zanny,, Zanny lived by Jeff Hopkins in UF student housing. Lauren Gibbs was Casey's friend who babysat for Caylee. Cindy met Lauren Gibbs. Casey contributed to household with housework.  Casey always had extra clothes with her. Most of the time she was dressed to "go to work."  Cindy was never able to find Zanny or never met her. She had been looking for Zanny since July 15th, up until 6 weeks ago. 
On June 16th, 2008  Cindy went to work. Cindy talked to Casey via voicemail. She may have talked to CASey for a few seconds. Casey's plan for the day was discussed. She was going to stay the night at  Zanny's and go to work in early am. It made sense to Cindy due to Cindy's late schedule on Mondays. George had to work on Monday.  George was scheduled  to work 3p-11p on Monday. Cindy thought Casey would return to the hone on Tuesday. CAsey saiid she was in "negotiations" and the meetings were lengthy. Cindy was expecting them to return on Wednesday.Casey said the "negotiations" with Hard Rock local were  moving to Tampa. She thought it would be nice to take Caylee to Tampa. Juliette Lewis was taking her child, Annabelle,too. Zanny was willing to go to Tampa and care for the children. She expected to see them Saturday, June 21st, 2008. Cindy talked to her everyday. They  usually talked in am and pm. they Caylee usually talked on the phone. However, "there was always a reason why Caylee could not talk. There was always a reason why she had missed her." On Friday, Casey told her that the meetings were going to extend into Saturday and then Zanny;s friend was coming to Tampa and they were all going to spend Sunday in Tampa. Monday, Cindy waited all day for Casey to call. They had agreed Casey would call when she got back. Cindy was concerned about her well-being. After waiting until 3p, CASey called and told Cindy, ' there had been an accident. " Zanny had been in a serious accident and Cawy was all day at the hospital. Raquel was with then. (another friend of Casey) Cindy could not talk to Caylee because  someone had taken Caylee and Annabelle to walk around. The children were not allowed in the Emergency Dept.
Cindy remembers George calling her about the shed break-in, on June 24th, It was before noon that day.Cindy had spoken to Casey that day and casually told her about  the shed break in. Casey was still in Tampa with Zanny. Casey did not tell her she took the cans. She eventually found out , Casey had been at the house. Cindy questioned her about being at the house. Casey said she had returned to get Zannys insurance  information . Zanny's family member was to let them iin Zanny's apartment. Cindy asked her why she did not bring Caylee home.? Casey said she did not think about it. She told Cindy she returned the gas cans and she had taken them just in case, for her trip to Tampa. Casey told her she thought there was a problem with her gas gauge. Cndy thought she was in Tampa during the gas can event but she did not think it was significant. Cindy asked why she was caring for Zanny and not her family. Casey stated Zanny mother's was very ill and ZAnny;s brothers were caring for their mother.. Zanny's roommate Raquel had been hurt in the accident  and her family was coming to get her.  Cindy was missing Caylee and started cuddling with Caylee's teddy bear, "teddy." Recess. 
Cindy returns to stand. Jury returns.  There s an immediate sidebar.
A few days later, the teddy  bear was missing. She told Casey she had been sleeping with Teddy. She thinks it was later Caylee was missing.June 25-27, Cindy did not see them .She had expected to see them.Casey had stayed because Zanny had a concussion and was being  observed for internal bleeding. She was hoping she would surprise her at work on Friday and bring Caylee. Cindy told her that she had returned but she was called into work to be debriefed on events while she was away. She did not see the Friday evening because Jeffrey, who lived out of state, was in town. Casey had dated Jeffery in the past. Caylee and Jeffs son , Zachary, knew each other and she thought since Jeff was going to see Zanny, it would be nice for Caylee and Zach to play together. There were numerous times in 2006- 11/2007, that Cindy was to meet Zachary. Casey thought that she may want to settle down with Jeff in the future. There were multiple dates for Seaworld and meeting Jeff's family that never transpired.  These potential never occurred, one time because Jeff had an asthma attack, but Jeff never was present at planned events.  Jeff was staying near Hard Rock, on June 27th and they were all to have dinner. Her impression of Jeff was he was independently wealthy and he had a suite and Casey a d Caylee 
had been asked to stay the night. They would visit he parks with the children the next day. Cindy describes  Casey as an adult and she did not control her coming and going. Nor did she control  Caylee. Cindy took another vacation June 30th-July4th. She had vacation time she would lose. She went back to work the following Monday.  She expected Casey to come home and get new clothes. Cindy states her and George continued their life and went out. She was not at home waiting for Caylee and Casey. She always communicated with Casey daily, via phone, text and or email. 
After July 4th, Cindy was expecting to watch Caylee on her vacation. She does not remember exactly why she did not. Cindy told Caylee she wanted to babysit especially with Zanny recovering. CAsey was working on an event with Make-a-Wish . She said it would be a fun event for Caylee to be there. Annabelle was going to be there with Juliette. Cindy asked to be invited. Casey said that it was by invitation. Cindy asked who would care for Caylee and Casey said it was an organized event and there was someone she trusted and she would be able to check in on CAylee.  Cindy decided on July 3rd, 2008 , to drive to Universal. Earlier that day, Cindy had some issues and she wanted to talk to Casey and wanted to see Caylee. The issues were money issues with CAsey, after going to the bank.She talked to Casey and found out she was at Universal and drove to talk to her. Casey did not know she was coming.Cindy arriveed at Guest Services.  Cindy called Casey from her cell phone and told her she was there.  Casey said she was in Jacksonville. Cindy was shocked. Casey said she took CAylee with Jeff to his condo in Jacksonville and they were going to rekindle their relationship.Casey did not want her to know she was taking Caylee out of town without Cindy seeing her. Cindy was shocked and upset.  Cindy did not know what to think she now knew Casey had lied about being in Orlando  and she had been in Jacksonville, She believed her and she didn't believe her.Cindy testifies she had her reservations and doubts. Cindy asked one of her friend in Jacksonville and Cassey's friend Ryan Passly that  lived  in Jacksonville. Ryan stated he talked to Casey that day and Casey said she was coming and they "needed to get together."  Cindy now believed Casey and left Universal. 
She later asked Lee if he had talked to Casey and said "No". Lee thought Casey was still in Orlando due to her MYSPACE posts. Lee and Casey shared some of their friends. Lee said he would try to find out if she was in Orlando from their mutual friends. Cindy said she was angry and upset. Cindy made the MYSPACE page  to reach out to Casey. She thought Casey would "friend" her and see her posts and see how Casey made her feel betrayed. 
The prosecution shows Cindy shows Cindy the MYSPACE Page

TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2008

Cindy Anthony's MySpace Post July 3, 2008


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Current mood: distraught

She came into my life unexpectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankful for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angels .

The defense objects to the posts being entered as evidence. Sidebar.
Objection sustained. Cindy talked to Casey about the MYSPACE page.It was a few days before Casey found about the MYSPACE page. Casey acknowledged reading the posting and thought Cindy was being hard  on her. Objection and sidebar. The courtroom is full of what appears to be "non media and family" today. Cindy is looking down. Casey and her do not look at each other. 
The court is recessed for today. Jury is adjourned until Tuesday.Casey watches Cindy walk out the courtroom. Casey looks around Jose Baez when he steps in her line view. She begins to cry  and talk while her attorney tries to comfort her.
The prosecution has given the judge a motion. They defense objects and Judge Perry states they will address it Tuesday morning. 

Tony Lazzaro SATURDAY may 28,20011

All of the attorneys are in the courtroom Casey Anthony is walking into the courtroom. Judge Perry is on the bench, but he does not have his robe on yet and appears to be working on some other things. George and Cindy Anthony are both in the courtroom this morning. During sidebar the Casey Anthony jurors look over the gallery."Wow, I was pretty taken aback,” says Lazzaro when Lee gave him a bag with Casey Anthony clothes and laptop
.Yesterday, AIM conversations between Lazzaro and #CaseyAnthony were not allowed into evidence.however,Casey texts Lazarro this message when she contaced hiim  aafter it was found out Caylee was missing.“I am the dumbest person and the worst mother,” reads one of the text messages Casey Anthony sent to Lazzaro she texts, "The important thng is to get Caylee bag. I will  never b able to forgive my self and my family won't either."Lazarro then talked to Casey by phone.The first question he asks her is "where is Caylee?" she says< "I don't know." He said, " How do you not know  where your daughter is?" Lazzaro said he felt frustrated, confused angry and betrayed , all at once. He became frustrated after going around and around with Casey and getting no answer and told  Casey  "he had to go" . He left to school. 
Baez gets Lazarro to admit that he felt Casey at that point felt Caylee was alive. Despite, everything she was concerned about her family. Lazarro in the texts messages he does not know what was true and what wasn't. The first page of texts he was shown he testifies was in the garbage. The dumpster is at the froont of the complex. In order to take the trash out he had to walk or drive to front oumbf complex to dump garbage. Baez asks Lazarro if  "the secret" they shared was that George molested her. Lazzaro sighs then says "NO." Baez has no more questions. As Tony exits he looks at Cindy who is heading toward the stand. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Anthony Lazarro, (former boyfriend) May, 27, 2011

Do you know what L7tone is?" by Mr George prosecutor. , It is my AOL name, "What was Casey's name?" per prosecution.Caseys name? Lazarro states, "It was caseyomarie." He recognizes the aol documents as a conversation they had in the past. June 10, 2008 , Judge Perry asks Prosecutor George as to the importance of the testimony.   Judge Perry rules part of the aol messages are not admissible.  JP wants to bring the jury back in and dismiss them while they go over email messages.
copy of IM 's Not admissible. The prosecution wanted to show Casey was desperate. Areas on message link below highlighted in red.


Court is adjourned until tomorrow


George testifies he learned in Julv  the vehicle had been towed. He learned about it by notice  left on the front  door of certified letter.  He heard about it on a Sunday. They did not typically use the door for entry to the house. They use the garage. They planned to go get the letter on Monday. He was working on Monday so then planned then to go on Tuesday.  He went on Tuesday.He got the letter said it was from Johnsons Wrecking .The letter stated the site of pickup on June 27th, 2011. He thought Casey was in Jacksonvville . He went to Johnson's Wrecking as it is  near to the post office. He was upset of the 500 dollar charge. The car had been their 2 weeks. Cindy was notified and she said she would go to bank and get money. George planned to go home and get title and return with Cindy so he could drive the car home. He assumed the car was "left" someplace. He was upset that he was not notified by company or Casey. He brought the gas can because it was a common practice with car breakdowns to bring a can of gas. It seemed like a common practice with a car breakdown and friends in the past. Cindy was forceful and they negotiated on price with company. She handled it because he was irritated. He was escorted to the vehicle. As he approached the car, GA testifies he smelled it from appx 3 feet away. GA thought, and he was very concerned  becasue he smelled about it years prior. He was concerned. "That particular smell, you never forget." GA testifies because he had not seen Casey or
Caylee may have been in the trunk because he had not seen them in a while. He was hoping he did not find them. The car reminded him of odor decomp. He had a spare set of keys. He quickly surveyed the car and saw no damage. As he reached for the drivers handle, he looked inside  the car and the odor was intense. He saw nothing that made him think someone had been injured. He reached over to the passenger side window and rolled the window down and it "turned over for quickly" and they Simon Birch and he, states, "out of gas" at the same time. He said in a low tone , Please let this be Casey or Caylee, George breaks down.
At the left rear light in the trunk , he saw a white bag. He saw maggots and litter. The bag was not pulled tight. Simon Birch stated "this must be the smell in the car." George was relieved Casey or Caylee were not in the trunk.  He cries.  The bag was almost transparent and he cold see the lettering on the pizza box and th Arm and Hammer container. Simon Birch took the bag and tossed it over the fence. He went and retrieved the car and put gas in it and drove it out of the yard. George testifies with the garbage bag gone he could still smell "the smell." It was difficult to drive. He had the windows done, It was raining. He could not have drove with the windows up. He does not remember telling Cindy. He told Cindy we have to get this car home. Although, on June 24th , he may not have been worried about Caylee  but now he was concerned.  GA does not remember telling Simon Birch that Caylee was missing but he probably did. Cindy followed him home. He opened the sunroof and all the windows to defuse the smell. He talked to Cindy about Casey and Caylee and his new job. Traditionally, he washed the cars on the weekend. He was responsible for all care on all the cars. He noticed a stain in the car. It was a slight stain, circular around the area of the spare. It was about the size of a basketball. It look like a circular stain but he can not testify if it was a liquid or power or substance stain. The car was messy inside. He is shown a pic of the inside of Casey's car. GA recognizes the car as the inside of the Pontiac Sunfire. The pic is entered into evidence. He identifies a second pic of the backseat of the car. The back seat has a car see and a pair of high heels.  The front sear has a brown small box on the passengers seat. He identifies both pics as the way he picked up  the car. he does not remember other items in the trunk. He was struggling whether to go to work. It was a new job. Cindy had planned to try to get hold of CAsey while he was at work. . Afternoon residence.
Cross by Baez. George is being questioned.GEORGE states he is a pretty good guy. Caylee shakes her head, "NO." George testifies even knowing the smell,he did not call Casey, Caylee or police."as a former detective, and you smell decomp, you call the police, don't you?" George states he was not a detective, he was a father and grandfather. Baez asks George if he knew being a detective in the the past when he moved the car that he could be destroying potential evidence. George and Baez are obviously not likely each other. " I did not believe it was evidence."He admits he did not call the police or tell co-workers. He aired out car. On that evening, after Cindy called police, the police came , Beaz meets with many objections from prosecution. On July 24th, he went to the police station to talk to the police. He admits he told them about the car and smell , George states it was part of their investigation. Baez shows him the disposition in regard to his visit with police so he may recollect events.  George did tell the police he had experience with smell.  Sidebar. "Mr Anthony, the reason you drove the car home and did not call police  was because you knew Caylee was dead. " You knew that the best way not to be interviewed by police was to be far away, didn't you?" George, "NO." Baez states he will interview George at a later day.
Prosecution asks about date he received "If Caylee drowned and you took her body to that swamp",.then there would be no evidence, would there"  Geroge, "NO", "Then there would be nothing for you to run from would there?" by prosecution. Mr Anthony is asked to step down.

Simon A Birch (Johnson's Wrecker Company) May 27, 2011

Questioning by Prosecuter Dane. He lived in Orlando 2006-2009. He worked at Johnson's wrecking service. He was responsible for day to day operations. It was a secure facility. He lived on property in a mobile home. Johnson's received a Pontiac Sunfire on June 20th, 2008. They enter pics into evidence. . Judge Perry reads in stipulation that the documents. is authentic by both parties.  S. Birch is shown  the documents relating to the tow.  The "TAG Talk" document shows who owns vehicle. The documents are accurate per witness. No objection from defense on entry into entry. The process is the vehicle is stored  and the documents are filled by tow truck driver and then presented to date entry clerk and car is recorded into record. The car is stored in area per classification of tow. It makes processing smoother. Photograph is show to Mr Birch, It is an overhead view of storage facility.  It has been remodeled since that time. the fence has been moved back 100 yards. It is a fair and accurate representation per Mr Birch as the view of facility during the time in question. he identifies Narcusi Road and then his mobile home,. He shows the fence which extends around the entire facility. The facility is secured adn the public can only enter through designated gate. The custom service area has bullet proof glass and there is no physical contact with public,. This provides security to workers. "People are never happy when they pick up their car." He shows area where car was stored, It is toward the front of yard. The car was here for 2 weeks. The company after a certain time , is allowed to assess the car for possible sale and title to recoup money.  On the 3or 4th day of vehicle on property, or 4th or 5th days, he visibly inspects vehicle to assess potental sale and needs for sale. He is only allowed to visibly inspect and not enter the vehicle.  He assessed the car as having a need for keys. The doors were locked.  As he was looking at vehicle, there was no odor. When he put his hand against glass to peer in, he noticed strong odor coming from car. He has been in this type business , for 30 years. He has been in refuse and recycling. In the  30 years, he has had contact with vehicles , where there has been a dead body in car. It happened about 6-8 times. In 2008, there was a car that was stored on property that had a body of a suicide victim in it.Due  to his experience with waste management he is familiar with all types of waste smells. He has towed for law enforcement for many years. He is familiar with cars towed with food and product left in car. He is comfortable distinguishing with food decomp and body decomp.  He . describes the smell of human decomp is unique in comparison to food. He knows the difference and is comfortable with his assessent. In his opinion, the odor was consistent with decomposition. He knew the smell was decomp as soon as he smelled it but saw nothing in the car. At that point, he did nothing further with car. His assessment with potential sale was complete.  George and Cindy Anthony came to pick up the car on July 15th, 2008. He heard the Anthony's becoming agitated and he exited office and assisted the representation.  Cindy Anthony was agitated as to cost and notification of car in tow yard.  He looked calendar and date of letter sent. It was noted that the letter received dated was delayed due to Fourth of July holiday and following weekend and the Anthony's reported to be out of town "for a few days." Lunch.
Court is back in session and there is an imediate sidebar.  Simon Birch is back on the stand. The jury is brought back into the court. Upon retreival , owners of vehicles are instructed to bring drivers license, cash and proof of ownership. The letter also states the rate for daily storage fees. Mr George Anthony came to retrieve vehicle.He is shown the an aerial view of the tow yard.  The Prosecuter asks for him to show the  route from office to the Pontiac Sunfire. He would have exited from back office to gate and then onto side gate into tow yard. It takes a few seconds to get the car. He and George Anthony walked to the care.George apologized for Cindy's behavior. He explained that "their granddaughter" is missing. He was apologetic and troubled. He asked Mr Anthony if he had the keys. He instructed Mr Anthony how to drive out of the yard.That was their policy to instruct the owners of vehicles while they are walking. Mr Anthony opened the car door and entered and tried to start the car. When GA opened the door the smell was potent. "It was eye-opening." Mr Birch testifies he noted to himself it was the smell of decomp.He did not mention it to GA. He noted the smell because he smelled it before in a vehicle. He testifies he did not say it out loud as it was an "agitated' situation and he did not want to aggravate it.He did not feel the need to give his opinion.  the car battery turned over but did not "fire." Mr Anthony did not have a gas can. SB peered into car and saw he gas guage was on "E."  He mentioned it to GA.Mr Anthony said he had gas "should I go and get it." MR Birch excorted  him out of the yard to retrieve the old metal gas can and took him back to the car. SB did not notice if it had duct tape or not  The drivvers door was the only door that had been opened to this point.. He does not recall helping him put gas in the car. At some point, they opened the trunk to see why the odor was present.  SB suggested the trunk be opened. GA had a key. They were both at the trunk.  When the trunk was opened was more potent than the inside of the care. Flies flew out and there was a white garbage bag in the trunk. He did not recollect anythink significant with other ites in the trunk. They looked inside of the white garbage bag. It was a drawstring bag.He does not recall who opened the bag.  SB. testifies a pizza box and papers. The bag was very light and did not contain food. He threw the bag over the fence. The intention was to retrieve the bag after GA left the lot. GA thanked him and Ga left via the route he was to take. GA apologized once again. He pulled out of the gate. SB saw him and CA talking then they left. He went back to retrieve the bag and placed it in the dumpster. That was the last he saw of the bag. No further questions.
Cross by Baez. He testifies and admits by law he is to send out letter by 4th day of car being confiscated. It is his assumption the date and tardiness of the letter was because of the holiday and the Anthony's were our of town. He admits to his testimony that GA told him CAylee was missing. He admits when the door was opened he recognized it as human decomp. GA got in and tried to start car. GA tried to start car and then got the car. He does not recall which event happened first, the filling of gas or opening the trunk. Mr Baez offers to show him his deposition so he may recollect the order of events. Apparently, the deposition reads th e trunk was opened first then the gas was put in the car.  He admits to having experience smelling decomp in the past. He denies being perfect person but he has had experience between smelling trash and human decomp.He identifies the old gas can as red and round and old. SB testifies it is not common for people to arrive with gas cans. GA was not left alone on the lot as it is policy not to have people alone on lot. SB denies every obstruct justice when asked. He admits Johnson Wrecking is the provider to Orlando police and he is aware of evidence collection. Baez asks him knowing the smell and missing granddaughter he never called the police.  He did not know it was evidence until   his employee notified him that the car was t o be towed to forensics. He admits hearing of the case on the news.  He did not witness the forensic collection. He knew of the collection from the news. The police did not come et statement from him until July 24th as identified by the court docunents. SB did not  recollect the day. It was nine days after the retreival of the car by GA. He knew that the police were aware o the strong odor in the car and it was an issue in the case.
Mr Baez addresses the form letter of notification. GA mentioned it hadd been at Amscot for 3 days.  When the Anthonys came to the yard they were complaining of the bill and why they had nto been notified. No more questions
Redirect, SB called the following morning after the July 24th. He called the police and notified them of the garage bag thinking it was still on the yarrd grounds. He attempted to retrieve it in the dumpsteer and jumped in and searched for it and he did not find it. He then called the police. He informed them about the garbage bag. He put the bag in the dumpster ut after GA left. The bag was only ther for a few minutes. The odor did not follow the bag.
Baez shows him an exhibit. He holds him a calender. He testified that he believe the letter had the pick up site address. He states he believes it but he is does not sent the letter out.  He testifies he did not give his sworn statement until the 24th. He discussed items he saw of the news.  He does not recollect and is show his deposition..He told him about the pizza box he heard on the news , and he saw it in the trunk. He does not know if he told him about the pizza box because he saw it and membered  or because he saw it on the news. He denies it. He states he told them that he fairly recollects the pizza box being there. He said he could not tell him he was sure 100%. because the pizza box was not significant enough to be fully rememorable.  He said he was telling the police abut he vaguely recollects seeing pizza box. He brought it up because had seen the pizza box issue  the news and it was part of the case. Excused.

Katherine Sanchez (worked at Amscott) May 27th, 2011

She owns 16 Amscot stores. June 27 , 2008  She worked at Amsoct on Golden Rod and Colonial.  She is shown a pic of the Amscott Store exterior and identifies it as where she worked on that day.  She states Papa Johns's and Quizno's are her neighboring stores. She identifies the  parking lot of Amscott.   She identifies the dumpster at Amscott. She states Papa Johns's and Quizno's use dumpster, as well.  She worked 7a-7p. She noticed the white Pontiac Sunfire. It was parked next to the dumpster. It was parked straight. She walked around the vehicle to obtain TAG number and look for a note from owner on Saturday, June 28th.
 She did not touch vehicle. She looked inside and it was messy. There was a blanket in back seat.  She did not try door handles.  She called Orlando non emergency to report the car as abandoned. It was the policy of store to call police and check to see if car was stolen before calling for a tow of vehicle. She called compliance officer and was told to wait one more day. On Sunday she was off. She returned on Monday , June 30th and the vehicle was still there. She called the tow company, Johnson's towing is their provider. Thse car had not been moved in 3 days. She never saw anyone near car. She did not assist with tow.  She saw Jonhson's tow the car. On June 28th, when she checked for TAG there was no smell. The next day there was a smell but she attributed it to the dumpster. It was as it usually smells in that area. Amscott has a surveillance camera. It is not managed by branch level. It is handled by corporate office.
Baez cross.  He questions about cameras at Amscott.  The are several camera's.  Sheh is not aware of placement of camera's. There are cameras placed for her security. The cams are visible to public and sometimes act as deterrant. There are gas stations in walking distance. On June 28th, she smelled what she presumed as "trash." No more questions.
Prosecution asks if the trash she smelled was presumed in the dumpster. smelled like regular trash. "yes" per witness. Excused.

Videos presented by Prosecution, May 27, 2011

Judge Perry reads stipulation to videos, to the jury. They are going to read the stipulations before each video
.June 30, 2008 Target video. The stipulation  is read by Judge Perry. Authenticity approved. Judge Perry in prior   motion states the video shows "lack of remorse and demeanor" despite Baez objections to it being judgement of character.
June 30, 2008 Casey at JCPenney. Authenticity approved. The videos shows Casey purchasing goods.
July 1st, 2008, Casey at JCpenney. Authenticity approved.  The video shows Casey and Amy purchasing goods.
July5th, 2008 Casey at Ikea. Authenticity approved.. Video shows Casey and William  going into Ikea, walking                in store, and walking out of store.
July 7th, 2008 Casey At Target. Authenticity approved.  The video shows Casey and Amy walking in and then purchasing goods and walking  out of store.
July 8th, 2008 Casey at Target. Video shows Casey obtaining store  basket inside of  store and purchasing goods.
July 10, 2008, Casey at Target. Authenticity approved.  Video shows Casey at cash register purchasing goods.
July 10th, 2008 Casey at Target. Authenticity approved. Video shows Casey once again waking into store and buying alot of groceries and goods.
July 12, 2008, Casey at Winn-Dixie. Authenticity approved.Video shows Casey at Winn Dixie buying groceries.
Next Video has technical difficulty. They will show it later
July 15th, 2008 Casey at Bank of America.  Authenicity approved. Video shows Casey at bank completing transaction.
july 15th, 2008 Casey at Blockbuster video. Authenticity approved.
CaseyAnthony made purchases at several Target locations in the amounts of $111.01, $137.77, and $155.47

Discussion on videos and pics. May 27, 2011

The jury is not present. There is discussion on the entrance of videos and pics entered into the record. Baez objects to the videos as he feels it goes to charactoer. Perry  is going to deny mistrial motion as the evidence is being entered as refuting what she  said she was doing during that time period, lack of remorse and demeanor. Baez is objecting on "cumualative" Baez states that the defense is not refuting her behavior.  Judge Perry states the  testimony is not of "lack of remorse" that one may argue.  The record is noted. The judge is going to allow  the pics and videos .
Back fro recess. Baez objects to video of her buying beer. He objects to the relevancy, evidence, proper state of mind an lack of remorse. There is no objection to authenticity.

Willam Waters July 4th, 2008, Party, May 27,2011

William Waters takes the stand. Mr George, the prosecuter is questioning him. He met Casey on the July 4th 2008. He met Casey at his home at a party. Amy Huzienga and he were friends. Casey and Amy were decorating his house for a party. Casey and Amy arrived together. Casey's demeanor was polite and "regular." Casey did not tell him Caylee was kidnapped or missing. She did not she was searching or needed help. He found out she had a daughter that night. Casey was "taking care  of the inside of the house while he was outside." He did not have enough time to her as he was the host of the party.  He had Casey and Amy make sure no one broke or stole anything. He is shown a pic of Casey and Amy from the party. Baez attemps to object on the pic not being entered into evidence howere, it is a procedural error. William Waters has to identify it before it can be entered into evidence.  He is overruled. After it  is entered  into evidence, Baez objects as to "relevance." Sidebar. the pic is of Amy and Casey. Casey has a disposable plastic red cup in her mouth. She is smiling at the camera. He did not have the oppurtunity to speak with Casey at the party for an extended period of time. She did mention Cayle. He had fireworks. She was talking to he boyfriend about not moving back to New York. She did not want him too. Afterward, she appeared angry. She did not mention Caylee was missing. She did not mention she was searching or needed help. He saw Casey again. She saw him again on July 5th, 2008. She arrived 730a-800a.  She was driving Amy's car. She was "spunky" and had a good attitude. She did not say Caylee was  missing or that she was searching. She did not ask for help. They went to Target.The purchased  coffee and bubble gum. They went to a fast food restaurant.  The went to Ikea prior to eating.They spent 2 hours there. There was no change in her demeanor. Casey wanted to go to Ikea to look for furniture as she was getting a house. Her and a friend with kids were looking for a live in nanny.She planned to move in the next 2 months. She said she worked at Universal as an event coordinator. She did alot of work at home. She did not mention co-workers She said she loved her job. He had plans a few days later, on Wednesday. to take a helicopter ride. He had passes. They did not go. He attempted to text her.She was busy was a "Nanaw."  He  texted her after that day.  He never saw her after that day. They had plans for lunch but they never went due to his schedule.  He was aware she had a boyfriend. He was not interested in Casey. He later got a call on July 15th from an FBI agent. He never was told by Casey her daughter was missing..
Mr Baez crosses. He had just met Casey. In Casey's world she loved her job as an event coordinator. there was no indication she was lying. In this world she was happy and nothing was wrong. The witness states "other than her relationship with Tony." In Casey's world pe Baez, he testifies they were going to miove  into a house with Amy and have a nanny. Casey went as far as to look for furniture. Mr Waters testifies Caseys behavior was that it was true. Casey was nice. She barely knew him and he trusted her with his house. The witness testifies he trusts everybody until there is reason not to. He has no information about Caylee drowning on June 16, 2008. He does not know why, how or when the event occurred,.
Re direct by prosecution There was no reason to believe what Casey was saying wasn't true. Witness done.

Mallory Parker May 27, 2011

The judge is on th bench. The jury will be able to see the Tampa Game. They asked about it yesterday.
Mallory Parker is the first witness called. George Anthony is in the room.She is the fiance of Lee Anthony.  She met Lee in 2006. They broke up for a brief period in 2007.  They have been together since 2006 . During June-July, she and Casey were friendly. She is close with Cindy, She was not close in 2008. The same relationship description in regard to George Anthony. Her testimony is regard to her and Lee Anthony looking for Casey during the time she was living outside of the home.She did not notice Casey was at the home in June that Casey was not at the house. She fond out early July from Cindy Anthony. She attempted to text Casey prior to the July 4th weekend. She texted  and asked if she was in downtown Orrlando.  It was during nighttime. On or around July 3rd, they were downtown with Danny Alvarez a friend and attempted to text Casey while they were on Church Street. It is a street with many bars. She believed that Casey was at  (does not remember the bar name)    , they knew because they had information she was there. They did not see her. She texted her 6 times. Some of the texts Casey responded to  and she asked if she was with Lee. She did not the family to worry about her, "she wanted some space." She did not mention Caylee. Casey texted she would try to come to the hose on July 4th, when asked.  Lee Anthony's demeanor on July 3rd was he was frustrated and concerned. Lee was attempting to reach Casey, as well.  She did not talk to Casey after that night. She does not recall spending time with Casey's parents after that time. No more questions.
Baez questions Mallory Parker. She went to Church Street  as Cindy's urging not George Anthonys. She is tearful when discussing CAsey's relationship with Caylee.  She say Caylee running to Casey. She saw Caylee's affection toward Casey. "They had a very special bound/." It appeared genuine. Caylee was not neglected. She never say Casey strike or torture Caylee. She describes there relationship as "amazing" Witness excuse.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Matthew Krisp ( friend) May 26, 2011

He works in Property Management. In June 2008 . He worked at Cranes Landing apartments on June 19th. He has known her since 2002.  He saw her in June 2008, at Cranes Landing.  She told her then boyfriend was looking for an apartment. He met Tony and her at leasing office. She did not tell him that Caylee was missing or kidnapped. She did not say she was searching or needing help. Her demeanor was joyful and exuberant.  She was not shown an apt because she did not have an apt. They did show an apt to Tony. She did not see  him in June. He saw her on July 7th. He received a call and they met for lunch. She was alone.  He asked about Caylee. CAylee was at a playdate with a girlfriend who had a child.  He said she had a job. she was in transition but does not recall particulars.  She was happy. The were no overt signs anything was wrong.  He had an interview with Detective Lee on July 17th, 2008.  The prosecution shows him a document to assist with his recollection.He met Tony and Casey on June 19th.
Cross by Cheney Mason.  Caylee was never abused or unkempt. He does not know where , when or how she died.  Witness excused Judge changes his mind and calls for recess.

Judge gives prosecution and defense further list  of DVDs the jury is requesting to watch. The judge needs answer by  morning. The second is a series of DVDs they asked their family to provide.  He does not see any objection to Carey Grant, William Powell and Carol Lombard. The DVD;s are approved. Adjourned for the day.

Christopher Stutz( former boyfriend) May 26, 2011

He works at the YMCA. He has known Casey since 2005. He met her at football game. He saw her in 2008 on May 16th. He saw her at his parents house. He knew of CAylee. His parents where not home. Casey spent the night. Casey came over again on Mothers Day. Objection by Defense and sidebar.
Judge Perry instructs the jury to disregard the last statement of her spending the night.
He did  see her in June 2008. He believes she was driving the black jeep on Mothers Day. He was seeing Casey in June 2008. Casey is busy looking at papers while her sexual history is exposed. saw her in June 2008.  She was driving the black Cherokee and said it was "a friends.:She did not tell her Caylee was missing, kidnapped..She did not say she was looking for CAsey. There was nothing in her demeanor. She saw her again at Buffalo Wild Wings in July.  He was with friends. She came to the table and said, "hi.:Her demeanor was happy and upbeat.She did not appear like anything was wrong. In July, he received a text message from her phone number stating Caylee was missing for 30 days. Also, in July he received a call from the correctional facility. Objection and side bar.
Baez crosses . Christopher advised law enforcement because she did not like to leave her child with her mother and father. Caylee was very loving with her mother. Casey was loving with Caylee. Caylee was neglected or unkempt. She was not abusive with Caylee..
Witness excused.

Dante Salati ( high school friend) May 26,2011

He is 26. He is a mechanic. He has known her for 11 years. He knew she had a daughter. He met Caylee on multiple occasions where he worked. Jan-June , 08. He lived at Sawgrass Apts. He lived there for about 3 years. Casey visited him in 06-07. June -July 2008. He saw her at Millers Yale house. He saw her July 1. They and other friends were all going to meet.  there. They had conversation . She "was free of worry." She did not say she Caylee was missing or kidnapped Nor was she looking or needed help. She did not knw if she was working. She did not mention Caylee . He did not ask. That was the only tim \e he saw her in July
Baez Cross. . He has know Casey for 11 years. Casey is nice and caring.He saw the love etween Caylee and CAsey. CAsey was attentive and loving. Casey's affection was genuine. Caylee did not go without food. she was not unkempt. He did not see her strike or abuse or torture Caylee. He never saw a change in her behavior. He finds it shocking knowing how Casey and Caylee loved each other that there was no change in behavior. Excused.

Issen Donoe(friend of Bryan Snow, former boyfriend) May 26, 2011

He lives in Florida and is a pharmaceutical recruiter. He has a degree in medical science. He met Casey in 2007.He met her when she was dating Bryan Snow, his friend. He saw Casey in 2008 at Yale House. . her demeanor ws happy and social. Talkative. She did not say her daughter was missijg or kidnapped. She did not say she was searching for Caylee or needed help. They all had dinner  over 3 hours. He met Caylee at her 2nd birthday party. There was nothing different at their dinner. They chatted him she through AIM. She told him she was an event coordinator at Universal. She told him Caylee went to a nanny she has know for 6 years. He had never heard of her before.  Prosecutor shows him a transcript of a conversations on AIM. The prosecution goes through the dates of conversations which are in the months of June and July.Conversations admitted as evidence Baez objects on grounds of relevancy. Overruled. .
Conversation one. Casey is talking about moving out in a week. She is looking at  apts at Winter park Apts.
Conversation, two, july 13, 2008 She loves her Nanny.
He was aware she had a boyfriend. he saw pics on her  MySpace page. He was interested in her .He thought she was interested and that is the context of the messages. He had heard of Fusion club. She had invited him to Fusion many times in June.
 He has know Casey fo a year and a half. He did not know until the AIM conversations that she had a nanny and worked at Universal as an event planner.  He did not see anything odd or concerning in her behavior. Baez crosses and asks him if he knows anything about how why and when Caylee died.
Baez redirects. He told law enforcement she was not heavy drink and would leave late.

Troy Brown (lived with Amy Huzienga)May 26, 2011

He met Casey at house party.  He knows Caylee Anthony. He met her in 2007. He say Caylee in 2008.Casy was with Caylee. He say Casey after June 10th,late in the month of June. Casey has left him a Facebook message in June.  Prosecutor is showing Troy Brown a printout of a Facebook conversation they had.  He identifies that conversation as his.Baez objects to entry of conversation into evidence. Sidebar.It is entered into evidence with objections from defense noted. The jury is shown facebook message from Casey. It is in reference to Amy moving into the house.
 The message stats Amy has not moved into the house and Casey states she has not been able  to move in due to drama. She will fill him. late.  He knew Casey and Amy were looking into getting a place together. He didnt have further contact with Casey in June but saw her on July 2nd.  Troy was working at the Sheridan in dowtown Orlando.Melissa stayed with him when she visited.  He  picked he up in Orlando and they went out to a couple of bars. Melissa ,Casey, Amy and Troy were at the club. CAsey was "normal." She was in a good mood. She was not angry or sad. She did not say Caylee was missing or kidnapped. She did n ot  say she was searching or needed help  On July 2nd, 2011 ,the day Melissa flew in, Casey volunteered to take her out. July 3rd, he saw CAsy prior to him going work. She was in Tony Lazzaro's car. Casey told him it was TLs car. Casey was having problems  with her own car.. He got off at 11p and they all went to Ricardo's . He , Melissa , Amy and Casey went to some bars. Casey was receiving phone calls throughout the night.She was speaking with he brother an d was obviously upset. He talked to Casey on the phone afte the day. They talked about the trip to Puerto Rico. On July 10th, it was official she was not going to go.  Casey picked the on July 15th in Amy's car.there was noting about her demeanor that said anything was wrong . She appeared"normal" No further questions
Baez asks if Troy Brown has information how , where and when Caylee died. No further questions. Witness excused.

Ricardo Morales (former boyfriend) Testimony May, 26, 2011

Ricardo Morales (RM) is on the stand. He now resides in Illinois and has a child. He does not look at Casey.
He met her June, 2007. He bagan to date her Feburary 2008.  She told him she had a job with Univeral as an event coordinator. She said her job required her to give tours of Island of Adventure to out of towneers. He never visited her at work. She talked about con-worker Juliet and boss To and hd she talked about job.. He never met them. He lived in townhouse with a roommate, John C.  He was aware of daughter Caylee andr  she visited him at home. They stopped dating in April, 2008 Casey would spend the night 4-5 nights a week. Caylee would spend the night, too. Caylee did not have her own room. She slept in the bed with them. Caylee slept on the opposite side of the bed. Casey was in the middle. Casey would not leave clothes or toiletries.  Ricardo looks sad adn does not look at Caylee. he is shown pic of Casey and Cayleeed  in his room..Pic was taken in late January. He knows because Caylee has bruise under eye.Baez objection overruled and sidebar denied. Pic entered into evidence. sidebar
Apparently, the objection is to the comment of bruise. It was handled in earlier motion prior to trial start date. Jp had  asked to have it Photoshop or instruct jury to disregard. Casey is being charged with aggravated child abuse.
AFter they broke up, Casey and him maintained friendship. It was not a bad breakup.He never met George and Cindy. He did go to breakfast at the home one time. On June 7th, he saw Casey, as she spent the night. Caylee was there. Baez objection on relevance. overruled. Caylee was last seen by him on June 10, 2011. He knew of Tony Lazzaro. He saw CAsey again on July 1st, 2008. He had minimal contact with her between visits. 2 text messages. She did not tell him Caylee was missing, she n eeded help. that something bad at happened.  He had a friend named Amy Huzienga sleeping on the couch.  Amy was in a car accident and her car was in disrepair. Her job was close to his apartment. Amy had planned to moving into the Anthony home with CAsey. O n July 1st , he woke up and Casey was visiting Amy. He does not know when s he arrived. It surprised him to see her. He had not seen her in a few weeks. He chatted with her. There was nothing strange about her demeanor . She was not crying. She did not say Caylee was missing.
July 2nd he went to Boston for a week. He came back on July 8th.  He did not talk to her while he was in Boston. When he got back to Orlando , he stayed at airport and went to Puerto Rico with Amy, Troy and Chad. Casey was invited. It was planned for her to go. In June, he did not think she was going to go. When he got back on July 15th,, he saw Casey. She was picking them up.  She picked them up and she he demeanor was fine. She was happy and asking about trip. She did not say Caylee was missing, kidnapped, that she was searching or something bad happened. There was nothing in word or action that led him to believe something was wrong. Recess for lunch. Casey does not look at him and is talking to Baez.
Ricardo Morales (RM) is back on the stand. JP reads stipulation on the "bruise" on Caylees eye is not due to neglect and abuse. CA concurs.They agree, Prosecution and Defense, to read stipulation after pic is published. Jury arrives.
The Tampa lightening game is not available in Orlando but JP is going to try to get it taped and let them see it.
RM took a few pics of Casey and Caylee.RM sold the pics to The Globe. The Globe approached him in August 2008 for 4,000. He did not license or sell pics to anyone else. He is shown of pic of Caylee and Casey in his bedroom, taken in Jan, 2008. Judge reads stipulation. He shows them another pic from Spring 2008 and he identifies it and it is entered into evidence. No further questions.
Cross by Baez. RM admits to dating Casey. BAez shows photograph from his MySpace page.  RM looks everywhere but at Casey. It is a pic of a man and woman and shows "win her over with Chloroform."
He was dating Casey in March 2008 whenhe posted pic on MySpace. He posted it because he found it humorous. He and Casey never discussed it nor had he had conversations with Casey about chloroform.
He did not attempt to talk to media. but when the Globe approached him with money he sold the pics.  While he was dating her, Casey slept in the  middle between him and Cay lee 4-5 times a week.  RM made a statement that one night Casey was alone in bed when he woke up. Caylee was gone. . . RM testifies on June 16th there is nothing he can add in regard to Casey ad Caylee , in this court case. He was never intimate with Casey with Caylee in bed. MySpace was a common page for him and his friends.
RM states he may have uploaded a few pics to MySpace. RM can not recall the date whenhe uploaded the pic. He bbelieves it was 2008. He knows what chloroform is used for. RM ever conducted chloroform searches on Casey's computer.  June 9th, 2008 Casey and Caylee stayed the night at his house. They slept in the same beds. Detective Edwards was not asking about June 9th in regard to the night he woke up and Caylee was not there. He cannot recall the date. Prosecution is showing him his testimony.RM is reading it.  He admits it refreshed his memory. Casey said her mother had called her in the middle of the night and  asked her to bring Caylee home. He was not awake when she said she got the call , nor did he see or hear her leave. Prosecution done.
RM admits he saw Caylee interact with CASey 3-5 times a week. Caylee was never hungry. he never say Caylee run to Casey. Casey would hug Caylee. Caylee was happy. He never wsaw CAsey strike Caylee. CAsey never tortured Caylee.  He only saw Casey discipline Caylee at bedtime. It appeared normal. per RM. Ricardo Morales is excused.
The next witness arrives. Melissa England. She lives in Boston. She was dating Ricardo Morales friend ,  Troy Brown.  She met in Casey when visiting Troy2,2011. She arrived on July . She went to Voyage with Troy. They were going to meet friends. She met Casey there. She was friendly. Troy worked as a valet in an Orlando Hotel. He had to work on July 3, 2011. Casey told her she was off work and since Troy had to work she could take her shopping. They were all drinking.  Casey was happy and outgoing. ehe never mentioned Caylee. She did not say Caylee was missing or kidnapped. She did nt tell her she was searching for Caylee. She did not say she was in trouble or something had happened to her. She told Melissa tht she was going to get a tattoo. Melissa was not interested i getting a tattoo and did not go with her. They planned to meet the next day at a mutual friends. Casey got in  touch with her through Troy. Casey was there when she arrived at friends house to shop. Her demeanor was happy and friendly. She did not mention that Caylee was missing or that she was looking for her. She left the house with Casey. Casey drove and they went in Gr and Cherokee. She said it was her boyfriend's and her car was in the shop. She met Amy at the club, as well.  Casey mentioned Amy had lost money while sleepwalking. Objection by Baez . Sidebar. They went  to Target then the Mall. Casey received a call.  She was arguing on the phone for 5-10 minutes. It was by her demeanor and she was speaking harshly. She heard her argue about money and something about the nanny.. Casey admitted to her she had an argument with her mohter.. Sge knew Casey was dating. She never mentioned daughter. she was on her cell phone often texting. Casey stated that her work was texting her. Casey told her she was an event coordinator  with Universal.Casey said she was on vacation. She never mentioned Caylee or the nanny. Casey spoke of Caylee when Troys sister asked about Caylee. Casey stated she wanted to move from Orlando to ba bette school distict for Caylee. Her and Caylee went told tinner.They went to Houlihans and sat in Amy Huizinga's section.She testifies she was led to believe Caylee was fine. There were no outward appearance that anything was wrong. After dinner, they picked u p Troy.
She told some friends on thee phone she could not go with them becausee she had car trouble. Melissa testifies that Casey through the phone on the dash and said, "OH GOd, I am such a good liar." They all went later. There was nothing wrong with Casey's demeanor. Casey took several calls and she was "distraught" She was talking with her bother. Her mood changed. She was very upset. There were many calls and ultimately she wanted to leave. Thee were times she tried to have a good time but ultimately she wanted to leave.  They all agreed to leave. Melissa and Troy went to his sisters. She told Casey good-be outside of the bar. Prosecution rests.
Baez crosses and asks if she can tell the court how, when and where Caylee died. Mellisa denies knowing and admits Casey did not tell her anything about her daughters wellbeing. Baez attempts to ask he if Casey told he anything about her abuse issues and thee are objections that lead to sidebar.
Melissa England admits to barely knowing her and does not know anything about her relationship with Caylee. She is done with testimony. She leave the court

Anthony Lazzaro (former boyfriend) and George Anthony Testimony May 26, 2011

The attorneys are entering the room. Casey Anthony is in the courtroom. Judge Perry arrives and calls Anthony Lazarro back to stand. Anthony Lazarro enters the courtroom.
The jury enters the courtroom. Casey does not look at Casey nor does Casey look at Tony. (Anthony)Jose Baez continues his cross examination. He asks did he every see Caylee run to Casey..  Did he every see Cayslee laugh. Anthony answers "Yes." Anthony states as far as he remembers Casey read books, taught her how too swim,she liked Dora the Explorer and Cayloee could count to 40 in Spanishn "She was amazing.".cThe people who took the pics at the club, werefriends who were  in college for photography and were taking them for experience. His promotions were done on-line. Anthony admits he told Casey he loved her and she told him , she loved him. . They would talk on the phone until hey fell asleep. The pics on June 16th are difficult for him to understand, They are bizarre. He feels that if anything were wrong she  would have confided him or her parents. She did not and to his knowledge she did not tell her parents. To his knowledge every time Casey talked to parents she went outside. She kept that world separate.
  Anthony is questioned  the prosecution by Anthony admits that he could not see into the trunk.Csey took the cans,  filled the tank and took the gas cans to the trunk. Tony was at the head of the car.
Baez questions Anthony and testifies despite he being prompted to close his eyes and try to picture the car, his testimony did not waver as to what part of the trunk he could see and he did not smell anything.
   George Anthony is back on the stand. George admits to being home on June 24th .     . His schedule ds. was to do some things different. He had planned to interview for a job and meet Cindy to deposit a check. He was going to do some lawn work. He went to shed he saw the lock was broken. George is showing a pic of the layout of his house. There are objections by Baez. Apparently , he has not seen pic.  George points the shed. Casey does look at father. He identifies Caylees playhouse and pool. There are two sheds. It is a fiberglass retail shed. It was a Master lock. He states he decided to file report due to recent thefts in the area.
He alerted Mr Berner after report filed, as to the theft.  He went to go complete his tasks for the day except the yard work. He had not see Casey in the days prior but she returned about 2p that day. He would usually be at work at that time but he had taken the day off. Casey came into the house.  His car was in garage. She came through garage. He was happy to see her. She was surprised to see him.. He questioned her about her well being and Caylee. She said she only had 10  minutes and had to go to work. He said he question her about the gas cans and she denied knowing anything, In an effort tfio investigate he asked Casey about some tool to prevent the car from "rolling" that he knew it was in the trunk  She said she would get it. He said he told her he had a key and could get it . She rushed passed him to  retrieve the too. She opened the trunk and she said "here are your fucking gas cans!!." He said he asked her, "Why Casey.? He tabled the conversation until later as   he was annoyed and stunned by her statement. He did not have the opportunity to see or smell the trunk. He did  tell Casey he had made a report and Casey said Cindy had told her.  George is shown a pic of one of the gas cans with duct tape. It is metal and he said he had it for 25 years. He states the duct tape was on it because there was a cap missing when it was returned by Casey.  He is show a pic of the plastic gas cans and identifies it. He is show pic of Sunfire and he identifies it as "our" Sunfire. It was registered in His and Cindys name but Casey drove it.
No questions from Baez asks for recess. Baez questions him about the gas cans. He asks George about his previous incidents with gas cans and that he told Casey not to take gas cans but George would give her 10 dollars if needed. He admits to statements. Baez questions George about the gas cans and Caseys prior incidents of taking gas cans from shed. and in fact, he had told her to notify him and he would give her ten dollars  He asks him that on June 24th, he had not seen Caylee for 8-9 days and had not ever seen Caylee for 24 hours. Baez states you called for the gas cans but did not call about Caylee being missing. George states Caylee was not missing. Baez states , i did not ask you that. George answers he did not tell police Caylee was missing. Georg is not looking at Casey. George did not tell police Caylee was missing. Baez reviews  previous testimony with prosecution and he reaffirms. He reaffirms there was no duct tape on can prior to this incident. Baez is going over FBI statement with Scott Bolen.He was videotaped. He goes e over page 44, line 2. In his testimony he told Bolen he could see into the trunk. "so your testimony was not true?" George does not recall whether he saw clothes or not. He was at rear passenger door. Mr Anthony states he could only smell the the gas cans he was being handed. Could not smell decomp.  Baez  and George are becoming argumentative. George  states, neither can had duct tape.  George admits that the pics were taken by law enforcement. Baez refers Georges deposition Aug 5tih , 2009, Page 199, line 12-17." Do you recall making the statement "  There is an objection, "it does not qualify as inconsistant statemet?" Sidebar. George is asked about his lawncut schedule.  He admits he wanted to cut grass and needed mowing?  George chuckles and said "Yes."  Geroge is perturbed and sighs and chuckles at Beaz. George is asked to "stand down. George approaches the calendar Baez has on easel. He marks last day he saw Caylee, gas missing and report day. Baez puts up July calendar month. Baez  and asks for George to put the day Caylee was reported missing. Marks the day you had confrontation with Casey. George does not remember the day he law enforcement collected the cans.  He is able to recall the day he had confrontation with Casey. Georg asks to be shown written testimony because he does not recall. He returns to the stand. George does not look at Casey.  George is handed testimony and is asked to read  and does it recall his recollection.  "do you recall telling anyone about the gas can incident. "Yes, I made report on the 24th. "  George states "you are badgering me.The questioning by Baez is confusing." Do you recall making any statements to law enforcement  about the argument with Casey prior to July 31, 2008. "  "According to what I see here, on the July 31st, 2008." Baez asks George to stand down and mark calendar.  George marks calendar.  George is asked if he placed duct tape on gas cans between July and August. George states I told you after that incident he went to buy new gas cans. The questioning by Baez is very confusing. He needs to stop often and rephrase question for Mr Anthony. Baez  George tells Mr Baez to "treat him with respect and I will give you respect." Mr Baez asks him about the deposition with Mr Ashton.    and you stated that you never put duct tape on it.  George Anthony states during that deposition he was not show that pic that Baez is showing him. The gas can he was shown was one that had black smudging that had checked fo prints.Baez then points out line of deposition. Objection by prosecution "it is not an inconsistent  statement." Judge Perry reminds him the original pic is not in  evidence.  George restates that "this pic was not shown to me.It was another pic." Objection by prosecution and Judge Perry calls attorney to bench.  Baez tells George Anthony they will return to question of pic at a later time.  George is asked when he gave can to LE (law enforcement) did it have duct tape. George states., "yes." George  is asked to identify gas can. Judge Perry removes jury. "did you hear anything I told you at sidebar." Judge Perry restates, the pic is not in evidence. "You can not ask someone about a pic that is not in evidence. I dont know how many times I have to telli You. How are you going to ask someone about something that is not in evidence? Move on to so mething else." Judge Perry tells Mr Anthony to step down.  Judge Perry tells  Mr Lazarro to return.  Mr  Lazzaro is told by prosecution that Lazarro was ok'd to leave by prosecution. Judge Perry is mad that Lazarro is gone when he told him to stay. Recess for 5  minutes.twel
Mr Baez is repeatedly having to be "schooled" on basic court procedure by Judge Perry. This has been an ongoing practice since the earlier motion hearings. Of course, this is my opinion.
Judge Perry is on the stand addressing questions fro jury. Are the first twelve responsible for the verdict. Will the alternates be allowed to go home at that time? Judge Perry says he will let them know. They want to be  they Tampa Bay Lightening game on Friday and they want pretzels in break room. Can they continue to journal. the prosecution sites the should be able to journal except on case. The pads in court in which they take notes will be confiscated after each day and at the end of trial and not be returned.
Mr Lazarro is to return to stand but George takes the stand is questioned  by Baez about the gas cans. George admits that the can he gae LE on aug 1st had duct tape.  George is asked and denies knowing the dates he opened the shed for LE as there were multiple times during intial search. He is asked when he told LE about fight with Casey. JP(judge Perry) states he told you 3 times he does not recall. Judge Perry tells Baez to not "go there" when he attempts to ask about sequestration. Baez reattempts to question him and JP calls for sidebar.  Baez returns from sidebar and states no more questions.
Prosecution re-directs. George states the can was given back to him after LE took it, a few days later. He is asked," in December did the significance of the gas can become clear?" "Yes" by George.  Georges: testimony the gas can was kept in shed when returned and re-confiscated  later when it became part of case.
Geoge testifies that he was asked late about everything in regard to the can. George testifes that he believed Caylee was alive on June 24th when the issue with the gas can took place. George testifies Cseey said the baby was with the nanny. He is questioned because Baez attempted to ask him why he did not report Caylee missing on June 24th when he made report.
Baez re directs. George is tearful.  George testifies he kows the gas c g ae an issue. George testifies he ade report with LE , even though he knew Casey took gas in the past and did not CAsey about the missing gas. George testies that on June 24th he did ot know Caylee was missing. The questioning by Baez is objected on basis of being argumentative. I agree.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Anthony Lazzaro Testimony

aAnthony Lazzaro is on the stand. He is currently working and living in Long Island.  Casey is obviously trying not to look at him. He was attending college with his other roommates. He testifies he was a promoter. He met her on Facebook through a community page. He does not remember how long it took her to accept her fried request. They intereacted on Facebook for a while. He does not recall how long before he met he in person. He posted an invitation to party on Facebook.She was one of the persons who responded. He knew she had a toddler.   He first met her at Dan Howards birthday party. His first impression was she was a pretty girl. Casey looks sad. He said that night went well. Eventually, he started to see her on a regular basis. She would come over to apartment a couple of times a week. The first time she came over she brought Caylee. They went to the pool.  It was around June 2nd., 2008.  He knew what kind of Casey drove and drives a white Pontiac. He went to a party at Club Voyage for Troy Brown on June 4th.Maria Kissh went.  Casey drove her car. He say Caylee on other times at the apartment and one time they went to the Millineum  mall.  He was promoting an event at the mall. He was handing out fliers.  Casey and Caylee walked around while he passed out fliers. They met later and had a late lunch. Caylee never spent the night. That was the last time he saw Caylee.  Fridays there were hip hop showcases at Fusion.  June 13th he went to Fusion with Casey. The "shot girls" were hired by promotes. He testifies that the owner oversaw the shot girls.  Casey wanted to help out and he allowed Casey to keep the shot girls in line. He does not recall Casey giving input into what the girls wore. He testifies he was told she had a job at Universal studios doing event planning. Casey would always tell him about events he was doing and staff. He recalls a name Jeff and others. He does not recall her complaining. He did see a Universal badge. She wore it around her neck.He was told Caylee was being taken care of by babysitter and her mother. The babysitters' name was Zanny. This was at the beginning at the relationship. He does not recall specifics about Zanny. He does not a schedule between Cindy and Zanny.
Counsel approaches the bench. Casey appears emotionless. It appears the line of questioning is while Caylee was alive she never spent the night. After Caylee was dead,  Casey  moved in. RECESS.
Judge Perry is on the bench and jury is brought in. Questioning  resumes
The hip hop event was the first time Casey attended event. He is shown a pic of him and Casey. He identifies himself and Casey. He identifies the pic date as early June, June  13th , 20008. The pic is entered into evidence. Sidebar.
After the hip hop sidebar was the first time Casey spent the night. After the middle of June she spent the night, eveynight. He is questioned about the Blockbuster video from June 16th. There is as stipulation of the blockbuster video read into the record identifying the video as true. June 16th is the day that it is assumed Caylee died. They are noted to be renting a movie together. Anthony has his arm around Casey. No emotion is shown from Casey. He testifies her demeanor has "having a grand ole time." She was happy to see him. She e never acted nervous . She never cried. She never to him something was wrong with her or Caylee.  Casey stayed over the night and every night thereafter. None of Caylees belongings were there except for maybe a book. He does not recall her speaking to Caylee or he parents. Casey always went outside to talk on phone. He spent the following day with her .He played hookie from school because he did not "feel like getting out of bed." He spent the day with Casey in bed.  Casey's behavior did not appear concerning. He does not recall her attempting to call Caylee or  anyone else on June 17th.  June 18th,  he assumed Casey went to work or to care for Caylee.  His lease was to run out in August. June 19th he went to look for an apartment, Casey went. It was Craigs Landing. He was planning on living with Nathan and Bryan.  Casey was supposed to be moving in with Amy Huzienga. He met Amy on the first night he met Casey. He did not know anything about Caseys relationship with her parents. Casey attended the next Friday hip hop showcase on June 20th. Casey participated in the hot body contest. He was told by Casey she was going to participate. There had been enough girls to participate in the contest without Casey participating. He is shown a pic of the hot body contest happening. It is Casey Anthony in the blue dress. Clint is direction the contest in pic. It is identified as a "clear and accurate representation of event" by Anthony "Tony". Baez objects per his previous objections which are again noted and overruled. He was never told Cayle was missing or hurt. He was not told she needed help. He had alot
Casey's car.  Casey put the gas in the car. She put the gas cans in the car herself. He could not see into the trunk when the trunk was opened. They then went to his apartment. Casey did not appear concerned about breaking into the shed. Casey's mood did not change after this event.  Casey would always take her calls outside.He found it somewhat odd she took her calls outside but he figured it was a private matter with her mom. Caseys mood never changed after these calls. She did tell him at times and say she was going to call the babysitter and would go outside. He does not remember any mood changes after talking to her mom. He was not privy to problems with mom or her home life. It was later , when he went to New York for vacation June 27th through early July. On June 26th she called him she was sat the Amscot lot.  The car broke down. Casey was outside the car. She had grocery bags in her hands.  She did not want him to look at the car after he offered. She said George Anthony would take care of it.  He picked her up and they went back to his apartments. Later they went to Fashion Square Mall.  He is shown a video of them at a
 store. He circles himself on the video. Anthony drove to the mall. He never saw Casey's car again. He did not buy anything at the mall. He worked at Fusion that night. Casey went with him. He is shown a pic of him and Casey on June 27th. Anthony describes it as a fair and accurate representation of their demeanor that night. He denies Casey was sad , worried, or anxious. He was not told Caylee was missing or that she needed help. Casey drove Anthony to the airport in his car.  Casey was supposed to drop his car off at the apartment. Caseys whispers to Baez. He was told by Casey that her car was being repaired and George was taking 'care of it." He points out CAsey Anthony and describes what she is wearing. CAsey does not look at him and she stands with Baez so he can identify her. Baez shakes his head.
Cross by Baez.  Baez asks about the photographs. He asks whether he knows this is a death penalty case and Anthony states. Yes. He denies talking about murdering or had murdered anyone. She never had duct tape or had any weapons. On the second phone she did not talk of murder or did she have weapons or ask for any.  When she went to JCPenney, did she (Casey did not buy plastic bags, she did not buy weapons or duct tape. She did not buy chloroform. At Blockbuster she did not buy weapons or box cutter. She did not discuss murdering or had murdering.She did not buy duct tape or did not obtain duct tape there. He was okay with dating a girl who had a child. He liked Caylee.  Casey interacted with Casey in a loving manner. Caylee neve went without food or was neglected.  Casey was a good mother and objection,   is sustained.  On June 2nd, Anthony does not recall having Casey having to discipline Caylee.  Casey did have to raise her voice at Caylee but not by the pool.Anthony does not recall . Baez offers to show Anthony his statement to refresh his recollection. Anthony testifies Caylee got too close to the pool and Casey intervened. Anthony testifies that Caylee loved the pool. Anthony testifies that he and Casey did share a secret and it was about her relationship with George Anthony. Prosecution objects and requests sidebar. Objection sustained after Baez attempts for comment to be seen as "admission" and not "hearsay." Anthony states the only people he would talk to with law enforcement and was always cooperative. He allowed them to tap his phone and wore a wire when he was with Lee Anthony. Anthony never made a statement to media. He never sold or made money off case. Anthony admits to breaking the lock not because she couldn't but because he was there. Casey did not tell him to stay away from car nor did she prevent him from getting near car. He was greater than 2 feet from her car per his estimation. He testifies that he was more near the passenger door of the car than in the rear. Casey opened the trunk after the 2 gas car were emptied. There was nothing to prevent her from putting the cans in the car itself if needed. She put the cans in the trunk.  He does not recall seeing the quarter lining of the trunk when she opened the trunk . Baez offers to show him his testimony. Anthony states he did not know what he meant by "quarter lining." The second time the car broke down, it is clarified that the car ran out of gas.  Anthony admits it would be a hardship to for him to have to come back and testify. Baez wants to enter in photograph. Sidebar.
Baez is introducing evidence. Anthony admits Caseys car was parked at the Amscot lot. Baez asks Anthony if the Amscot lot is near a gas station of Sams club. Anthony states 'NO" Baez is granted permission to approach the witness and show his a pic of the Amscott lot. Anthony states it does not refresh his recollection but he sees it in the pic.  Baez asks him about his statement on October, 2008. Anthony states he does not recall what he told police in October. However, course is recessed until tomorrow after Baez states he needs 20 more minutes.