aAnthony Lazzaro is on the stand. He is currently working and living in Long Island. Casey is obviously trying not to look at him. He was attending college with his other roommates. He testifies he was a promoter. He met her on Facebook through a community page. He does not remember how long it took her to accept her fried request. They intereacted on Facebook for a while. He does not recall how long before he met he in person. He posted an invitation to party on Facebook.She was one of the persons who responded. He knew she had a toddler. He first met her at Dan Howards birthday party. His first impression was she was a pretty girl. Casey looks sad. He said that night went well. Eventually, he started to see her on a regular basis. She would come over to apartment a couple of times a week. The first time she came over she brought Caylee. They went to the pool. It was around June 2nd., 2008. He knew what kind of Casey drove and drives a white Pontiac. He went to a party at Club Voyage for Troy Brown on June 4th.Maria Kissh went. Casey drove her car. He say Caylee on other times at the apartment and one time they went to the Millineum mall. He was promoting an event at the mall. He was handing out fliers. Casey and Caylee walked around while he passed out fliers. They met later and had a late lunch. Caylee never spent the night. That was the last time he saw Caylee. Fridays there were hip hop showcases at Fusion. June 13th he went to Fusion with Casey. The "shot girls" were hired by promotes. He testifies that the owner oversaw the shot girls. Casey wanted to help out and he allowed Casey to keep the shot girls in line. He does not recall Casey giving input into what the girls wore. He testifies he was told she had a job at Universal studios doing event planning. Casey would always tell him about events he was doing and staff. He recalls a name Jeff and others. He does not recall her complaining. He did see a Universal badge. She wore it around her neck.He was told Caylee was being taken care of by babysitter and her mother. The babysitters' name was Zanny. This was at the beginning at the relationship. He does not recall specifics about Zanny. He does not a schedule between Cindy and Zanny.
Counsel approaches the bench. Casey appears emotionless. It appears the line of questioning is while Caylee was alive she never spent the night. After Caylee was dead, Casey moved in. RECESS.
Judge Perry is on the bench and jury is brought in. Questioning resumes
The hip hop event was the first time Casey attended event. He is shown a pic of him and Casey. He identifies himself and Casey. He identifies the pic date as early June, June 13th , 20008. The pic is entered into evidence. Sidebar.
After the hip hop sidebar was the first time Casey spent the night. After the middle of June she spent the night, eveynight. He is questioned about the Blockbuster video from June 16th. There is as stipulation of the blockbuster video read into the record identifying the video as true. June 16th is the day that it is assumed Caylee died. They are noted to be renting a movie together. Anthony has his arm around Casey. No emotion is shown from Casey. He testifies her demeanor has "having a grand ole time." She was happy to see him. She e never acted nervous . She never cried. She never to him something was wrong with her or Caylee. Casey stayed over the night and every night thereafter. None of Caylees belongings were there except for maybe a book. He does not recall her speaking to Caylee or he parents. Casey always went outside to talk on phone. He spent the following day with her .He played hookie from school because he did not "feel like getting out of bed." He spent the day with Casey in bed. Casey's behavior did not appear concerning. He does not recall her attempting to call Caylee or anyone else on June 17th. June 18th, he assumed Casey went to work or to care for Caylee. His lease was to run out in August. June 19th he went to look for an apartment, Casey went. It was Craigs Landing. He was planning on living with Nathan and Bryan. Casey was supposed to be moving in with Amy Huzienga. He met Amy on the first night he met Casey. He did not know anything about Caseys relationship with her parents. Casey attended the next Friday hip hop showcase on June 20th. Casey participated in the hot body contest. He was told by Casey she was going to participate. There had been enough girls to participate in the contest without Casey participating. He is shown a pic of the hot body contest happening. It is Casey Anthony in the blue dress. Clint is direction the contest in pic. It is identified as a "clear and accurate representation of event" by Anthony "Tony". Baez objects per his previous objections which are again noted and overruled. He was never told Cayle was missing or hurt. He was not told she needed help. He had alot
Casey's car. Casey put the gas in the car. She put the gas cans in the car herself. He could not see into the trunk when the trunk was opened. They then went to his apartment. Casey did not appear concerned about breaking into the shed. Casey's mood did not change after this event. Casey would always take her calls outside.He found it somewhat odd she took her calls outside but he figured it was a private matter with her mom. Caseys mood never changed after these calls. She did tell him at times and say she was going to call the babysitter and would go outside. He does not remember any mood changes after talking to her mom. He was not privy to problems with mom or her home life. It was later , when he went to New York for vacation June 27th through early July. On June 26th she called him she was sat the Amscot lot. The car broke down. Casey was outside the car. She had grocery bags in her hands. She did not want him to look at the car after he offered. She said George Anthony would take care of it. He picked her up and they went back to his apartments. Later they went to Fashion Square Mall. He is shown a video of them at a
store. He circles himself on the video. Anthony drove to the mall. He never saw Casey's car again. He did not buy anything at the mall. He worked at Fusion that night. Casey went with him. He is shown a pic of him and Casey on June 27th. Anthony describes it as a fair and accurate representation of their demeanor that night. He denies Casey was sad , worried, or anxious. He was not told Caylee was missing or that she needed help. Casey drove Anthony to the airport in his car. Casey was supposed to drop his car off at the apartment. Caseys whispers to Baez. He was told by Casey that her car was being repaired and George was taking 'care of it." He points out CAsey Anthony and describes what she is wearing. CAsey does not look at him and she stands with Baez so he can identify her. Baez shakes his head.
Cross by Baez. Baez asks about the photographs. He asks whether he knows this is a death penalty case and Anthony states. Yes. He denies talking about murdering or had murdered anyone. She never had duct tape or had any weapons. On the second phone she did not talk of murder or did she have weapons or ask for any. When she went to JCPenney, did she (Casey did not buy plastic bags, she did not buy weapons or duct tape. She did not buy chloroform. At Blockbuster she did not buy weapons or box cutter. She did not discuss murdering or had murdering.She did not buy duct tape or did not obtain duct tape there. He was okay with dating a girl who had a child. He liked Caylee. Casey interacted with Casey in a loving manner. Caylee neve went without food or was neglected. Casey was a good mother and objection, is sustained. On June 2nd, Anthony does not recall having Casey having to discipline Caylee. Casey did have to raise her voice at Caylee but not by the pool.Anthony does not recall . Baez offers to show Anthony his statement to refresh his recollection. Anthony testifies Caylee got too close to the pool and Casey intervened. Anthony testifies that Caylee loved the pool. Anthony testifies that he and Casey did share a secret and it was about her relationship with George Anthony. Prosecution objects and requests sidebar. Objection sustained after Baez attempts for comment to be seen as "admission" and not "hearsay." Anthony states the only people he would talk to with law enforcement and was always cooperative. He allowed them to tap his phone and wore a wire when he was with Lee Anthony. Anthony never made a statement to media. He never sold or made money off case. Anthony admits to breaking the lock not because she couldn't but because he was there. Casey did not tell him to stay away from car nor did she prevent him from getting near car. He was greater than 2 feet from her car per his estimation. He testifies that he was more near the passenger door of the car than in the rear. Casey opened the trunk after the 2 gas car were emptied. There was nothing to prevent her from putting the cans in the car itself if needed. She put the cans in the trunk. He does not recall seeing the quarter lining of the trunk when she opened the trunk . Baez offers to show him his testimony. Anthony states he did not know what he meant by "quarter lining." The second time the car broke down, it is clarified that the car ran out of gas. Anthony admits it would be a hardship to for him to have to come back and testify. Baez wants to enter in photograph. Sidebar.
Baez is introducing evidence. Anthony admits Caseys car was parked at the Amscot lot. Baez asks Anthony if the Amscot lot is near a gas station of Sams club. Anthony states 'NO" Baez is granted permission to approach the witness and show his a pic of the Amscott lot. Anthony states it does not refresh his recollection but he sees it in the pic. Baez asks him about his statement on October, 2008. Anthony states he does not recall what he told police in October. However, course is recessed until tomorrow after Baez states he needs 20 more minutes.
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