George testifies he learned in Julv the vehicle had been towed. He learned about it by notice left on the front door of certified letter. He heard about it on a Sunday. They did not typically use the door for entry to the house. They use the garage. They planned to go get the letter on Monday. He was working on Monday so then planned then to go on Tuesday. He went on Tuesday.He got the letter said it was from Johnsons Wrecking .The letter stated the site of pickup on June 27th, 2011. He thought Casey was in Jacksonvville . He went to Johnson's Wrecking as it is near to the post office. He was upset of the 500 dollar charge. The car had been their 2 weeks. Cindy was notified and she said she would go to bank and get money. George planned to go home and get title and return with Cindy so he could drive the car home. He assumed the car was "left" someplace. He was upset that he was not notified by company or Casey. He brought the gas can because it was a common practice with car breakdowns to bring a can of gas. It seemed like a common practice with a car breakdown and friends in the past. Cindy was forceful and they negotiated on price with company. She handled it because he was irritated. He was escorted to the vehicle. As he approached the car, GA testifies he smelled it from appx 3 feet away. GA thought, and he was very concerned becasue he smelled about it years prior. He was concerned. "That particular smell, you never forget." GA testifies because he had not seen Casey or
Caylee may have been in the trunk because he had not seen them in a while. He was hoping he did not find them. The car reminded him of odor decomp. He had a spare set of keys. He quickly surveyed the car and saw no damage. As he reached for the drivers handle, he looked inside the car and the odor was intense. He saw nothing that made him think someone had been injured. He reached over to the passenger side window and rolled the window down and it "turned over for quickly" and they Simon Birch and he, states, "out of gas" at the same time. He said in a low tone , Please let this be Casey or Caylee, George breaks down.
At the left rear light in the trunk , he saw a white bag. He saw maggots and litter. The bag was not pulled tight. Simon Birch stated "this must be the smell in the car." George was relieved Casey or Caylee were not in the trunk. He cries. The bag was almost transparent and he cold see the lettering on the pizza box and th Arm and Hammer container. Simon Birch took the bag and tossed it over the fence. He went and retrieved the car and put gas in it and drove it out of the yard. George testifies with the garbage bag gone he could still smell "the smell." It was difficult to drive. He had the windows done, It was raining. He could not have drove with the windows up. He does not remember telling Cindy. He told Cindy we have to get this car home. Although, on June 24th , he may not have been worried about Caylee but now he was concerned. GA does not remember telling Simon Birch that Caylee was missing but he probably did. Cindy followed him home. He opened the sunroof and all the windows to defuse the smell. He talked to Cindy about Casey and Caylee and his new job. Traditionally, he washed the cars on the weekend. He was responsible for all care on all the cars. He noticed a stain in the car. It was a slight stain, circular around the area of the spare. It was about the size of a basketball. It look like a circular stain but he can not testify if it was a liquid or power or substance stain. The car was messy inside. He is shown a pic of the inside of Casey's car. GA recognizes the car as the inside of the Pontiac Sunfire. The pic is entered into evidence. He identifies a second pic of the backseat of the car. The back seat has a car see and a pair of high heels. The front sear has a brown small box on the passengers seat. He identifies both pics as the way he picked up the car. he does not remember other items in the trunk. He was struggling whether to go to work. It was a new job. Cindy had planned to try to get hold of CAsey while he was at work. . Afternoon residence.
Cross by Baez. George is being questioned.GEORGE states he is a pretty good guy. Caylee shakes her head, "NO." George testifies even knowing the smell,he did not call Casey, Caylee or police."as a former detective, and you smell decomp, you call the police, don't you?" George states he was not a detective, he was a father and grandfather. Baez asks George if he knew being a detective in the the past when he moved the car that he could be destroying potential evidence. George and Baez are obviously not likely each other. " I did not believe it was evidence."He admits he did not call the police or tell co-workers. He aired out car. On that evening, after Cindy called police, the police came , Beaz meets with many objections from prosecution. On July 24th, he went to the police station to talk to the police. He admits he told them about the car and smell , George states it was part of their investigation. Baez shows him the disposition in regard to his visit with police so he may recollect events. George did tell the police he had experience with smell. Sidebar. "Mr Anthony, the reason you drove the car home and did not call police was because you knew Caylee was dead. " You knew that the best way not to be interviewed by police was to be far away, didn't you?" George, "NO." Baez states he will interview George at a later day.
Prosecution asks about date he received "If Caylee drowned and you took her body to that swamp",.then there would be no evidence, would there" Geroge, "NO", "Then there would be nothing for you to run from would there?" by prosecution. Mr Anthony is asked to step down.
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