Yuri Mellich was lead investigatior. He was called out to the home on July 16, 2008. He does not remember how long during his first visit to the home, when George Anthony told him about the care. After a short period,he left the home and then left. He was at the home a little over an hour . After that, he was there a few minutes, just long enough to drop Casey off.
\George wanted to speak to him. He told him about the car.
Melich said at some point George Anthony mentioned foul smell in car. But he did check it out later
He went to the Anthony home again., later that day. He took Casey to Universal. There were other officers there. Baez states there were 7-8 officers there He does not recall. He confiscated the car after Casey was arrested. He had made arrangements with George Anthony. He confiscated the car after Casey was under arrest. He decided to look for evidence in the car. He arrested Casey because she hd the elements of the crime in which she was arrested. He was concerned she might hurt herself. One aspect of the investigation was to look at the car but not solely the car, as Baez attempts to get him to testify. Initially, he thought Caylee disappeared on June 9th but later discerned it was July 15, 2008. He had information from the Anthony family abut Zanni the Nanny. After awhile they determined the nanny was a falsehood. Casey hung on to that story.
Before July 16, 2008 he did not know the Anthony family. He subpeoned Casey's cell phone record. You can obtain call records and duration of calls and with some companies it can tell you which towers involved. It can assist in tracking a persons movements. . He did not investigate the other Anthony family members.
Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation helped triangulate cell records her Anthony family members . He did investigate other cell phone records of other people. He did investigate Roy Krunks cell phone records.
Roy Krunk discovered the remains on December 11, 2008
Melich interviewed Roy Kronk after the discovery of the remains. Baez begins questioning about Roy Kronk & tries to talk about Kronks efforts to alert deputies months earlier Kronk called in tip about Suburban Dr. Melich told another deputy to move on because it was "vague" and area had already been checked out.
Sidebar ensues. Baez continues questioning Yuri Melich about calls/tips about the area. He subpeonaed his records for June-December 2008.The records included the triangulation of towers.
YM discovered that George Anthony had duct tape with a logo that appeared to be the same. YM testifies that he never asked George where he got the duct tape. The only place the duct tape was found in the Anthony home was on the gas can.
Melich said he'd never seen duct tape with logo on non-adhesive side, it was unusual.

Henkel brand duct tape.
YM was aware there was a report of a gas can stolen from the Anthony home. He was aware the red can was from the Anthony home. YM is looking at his file to see the events surrounding the collection of the gas can. The gas cans were collecteed on August 1, 2008. He does not have the reports but Baez has them.
Baez: You collected Kronks several months of cell records, did you take his computer? Melich: No computer.Melilch says they took statements from Kronk's friends, co workers. June's Phone records in Dec but never looked at his computer.
Burdick> YM was provided tip bu Gerald White, It was general in nature. The tip described a swampy area near a 6 foot fence on Suburban Drive. The site where Caylee was located was between the school and the Anthony home. They had search that area with dogs. L
LDB is done questioning. No re-direct. Yuri Melich is allowed to leave the stand
