Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jeffery Hopkins (High School Friend)

Jeffery Hopkins has known Casey since middle school. they were acquaintances. He worked at Universal or one year.Casey did notwork there when he worked there. He has no children.He does not have a child nor does have a nanny named Zenaida. He has never lived in Jacksonville or North Carolina. Hedid not see Casey in Jne 2008.He saw  her Jul 2nd and the Ale house. He was there with friends. He was there with friends. He briefly spoke to her. She invited him to Fusion via a test invited.He knew she had a daughter but never met her.

Cross examined by Baez. His name is Jeffery Michael Hopkins. He did not have a crush on her in school. He did not have puppy love eyes for eyes. She was pretty. They had a mutual attraction. He was contacted by law enforcement. He told LE he did not have a son named Zachary. He did not have a trust fund. His sons mother did not die. He did not live in Jacksonville, He did not know a nanny Zanny. He does not have any information about how Caylee died or what happened to Casey.
Redirect by prosecution. He spoke to LE the night when LE went to the Anthony home and then again weeks later.He does not know anyone named Zenaida Gonzalez. Excused.

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