(Word for Word Attempted Transcription)
Baez is asking what evidence he is allowed to bring up. He doesn't want to "open the door" for State to bring up "no allegation". The jury is brought in. Judge Perry reads the instruction in regard to the testimony of Dr. Rodriguez.
Ashton is up to the state> Ashton thanks the jury for the time. h. puts up a video of Caylee. It is the picture of her at the nursing home visiting her great-grandfather. He plays the video of Casey playing with Caylee on the floor. Parenting is about sacrifice. When you have a child that child becomes your life. Casey is tearful. Ashton describes Casey as feeling overwhelmed by parenting..
The first expectation was that she would work and support her daughter. For whatever reason, her solution was to lie. Her parents believed she was working.
Ashton>It is not the fact that she lies at the pattern of lies. When Casey wants to do with Casey wants to do. She lies. for almost 2 years, She pretends to have a job. She pretends to have a nanny. She pretends to go to work. The problem is is that Casey is with Caylee 24 hours a day. So if she wants to go out at night, her solution is to create a new job with variable hours. She is an event coordinator. Cindy does a mind watching Caylee. Then she meets Ricardo Morales. He accepts Caylee. and how is she going to include Caylee, and not tell her parents. She spends the night three nights a week with Zanny when really she is with Ricardo. The problems start in May. Cindy is not cooperating. She no longer makes it convenient for Casey to stay out. Her parents are getting suspicious. Remember that George was suspicious and went to Sports Authority to look for her. George was told to stay out of it. In fact he was said it in a suicide letter. He said he tried for years and he was told to stay out of it.
The only way for Casey's lies work is of Caylee is not talking. Caylee is to three years old, she starting to talk. She does not know enough to lie. Someone's going to ask her about Zanny.
Casey meets Tony.Tony is a club promoter. He has a fun life.June 13 she goes to the club with Tony. there is nothing wrong with kids going to clubs but Casey is a mom. That life is what she wanted. the first two weeks of June Cindy was on vacation and Casey gets to experience what life is without her parents. Casey is essentially free. She does not have to lie to get around it. So she has a choice. A live tetherd to a child or a life free to be 22.
Why not just give Caylee to Cindy? Cindy would not ever have let Casey walk away. Those were Caseys choices. the life she wanted or the life she had.
The evidence in this case shows, the choice she made. She gave up her child.
On June 16, 2008 Casey left a house. She told the pair she had to work late, she was going to spend the night examinees. She was with Ricardo. She told her father and she told Cindy. She knew that night that she would not have a problem with Caylee Caylee would be dead. She would be in the arms of her boyfriend. She asked, he spent the night at Tony's. On June 17, she said she was spending the night at Zanny;s Cindy would accept one more excuse. Cindy would not accept the continued absence. So one June 18. She told Cindy she was in Tampa. Zanny would be with her. So to add appeal to us the story she adds that another mother will be there. This buys her time with Cindy. And sadly Caylee is probably in the trunk dead.
On June 17 to back the car up in the driveway. On June 18 two borrows a shovel from her neighbor. She tried to bury her like she buried her pets. But it is too much trouble to she just throws her in a swamp.
June 20 Caylees going to Busch Gardens. Zanny will watch her while she is at work conference in Tampa.
She tells him she will be back on the 21st. on the 21st she tells Cindy. She is still at Busch gardens at the conference.
She tells Cindy shall be back on Sunday. On the 22nd she tells Cindy the conference runs late. They are going to stay at Busch.gardens. But she is at Tony's in Caylees in the swanp decomposing.
Now she needs more time. So there is an accident. Zanny's in the hospital. She is going to stay.
On the 24th, she runs into her father. She tells Cindy that she is home to pick up insurance papers for Zanny. Casey is smart. She can think of a light quickly.
June 26 , Zanny gets out of hospital late. So they are going to stay late.sCindy knows her .granddaughter will be home soon. But Casey runs into Jeff Hopkins, the imaginary boyfriend. She stayed at the hard rock Hotel. A fun place. On June 28. She still at the hard rock would say any and everybody is having a great time.
June 30 Caylee going to universal. she makes a mistake on July 1. She tells him the she is going to universal with someone in Jennifer Rosa. . On June 3, Caylee is at universal at a character records Cindy goes to universal. She calls Casey and states are Im here. Casey says she is now in Jacksonville with Jeff Hopkins.
Casey tells Lee that her password was timer55. Timer55 was the number of days between June 16 in Caylees birthday. Timer55, was how many days she keeps Cindy placated until Caylee's birthday.
Jeff Hopkins's long-term strategy. Remember on July 3 of fourth there was a big blowup. Cindy created a MySpace page. She tells her. I am in Jacksonville with Jeff Hopkins, and this man whom I think I could have an actual relationship with a wealthy boyfriend, who has a child the same age as Caylee with whom I think I could have a long-term relationship
Mom you got to get used to the fact that always be with you per Casey. Timer 55, she has to come up with a long-term strategy. maybe she will marry Jeff Hopkins below to your they could extend the 55 days for months. She never had the chance. She tells Cindy she is staying in Jacksonville and will return on the 12th day with Jeff Hopkins. Casey would have kept up with the story as long as she could. July 15 to cars is covered Cindys on a mission. Cindy is going to find and see her granddaughter issue will not be denied. And that is it, she tracks Casey down, and she said I want to see my granddaughter now. Casey tries to rely on the old story and says she is with Zandi. Despite the threat of Cindy Anthony to call to the police. She continues the Zanny story.
She tells an elaborate story finally that Caylees gone. She tells the police about Zanny. She takes them to Universal. She tells him she is a victim her daughter's been kidnapped. but the more they investigate the more her lies fall apart. the police report, she enters the universal buildings with great fact confidence. Casey maintains her lies until they absolutely do not work. In what can only be described if it were true, you could not write this good is the incident Universal Studios. but it is indicative of Casey Anthony and who she is and what she does. Casey puts her hands in her pockets, and finally says I do not work here.
Her claim that she has worked looking for Caylee has been disproven. when she gets out on bail. She now tells the Joe Blanchard story. She states she met Zanny on the 16th at Joe Blanchard Park and Caylee was taken by forced. Zanny held her down. Casey 3.0, the new version.
Caylee's remains are found a quarter-mile from the Anthony home. The first problem is the tape. The tape, you can see. Ashton shows. The jury that duct tape. The duct tape was found on the gas can. the same tape that was used to hang the picture at the command center by George Anthony was used on Caylee. The duct tape has not been sold since 2000..
The laundry bag taken from the Anthony House. Call it Caylees coffin. This is the back she was found.the bag is part of a set. It comes with a square one. This was Caylees coffin

Ashton shows more evidence, He shows Caylee shorts. This is a photograph of Caylee wearing the shorts. Ashton shows a picture of the letters, big trouble. He also shows a picture of Caylee wearing the shirt.
Ashton shows the blanket. It hasPiglet on the blanket.Ashton pulls out the bumper pads from the crib.
one by one all the claims of Caylee being kidnapped is disappeared after Caylees remains were found.
the defense has made many claims that Caylee was found by her grandfather. The defense gave you a very detailed exclamation. the dramatic flair as they told you about Casey Anthony be awakened in the morning by her father screaming at her Wheres Caylee Wheres Caylee. About a frantic search for the child .About a grandfather bringing up wet from having pulled her from the pool and laying her at Casey's feet and
This is your fault.This is your fault
This is your fault.
Casey Anthony is crying. The judge will instruct you on the definition of reasonable doubt he would tell you that a reasonable doubt is not a mere possible. A speculative imaginary or forced out such doubt must not influence you to return a verdict of not guilty. If you have an abiding conviction of guilt. The defense's opening statement has not yet est. by evidence in this case. Baez move to strike and he is overruled. In fact the only evidence presented in this case is that it did not happen. George Anthony the first witness, you heard in this case told you that it did not happen. You may not speculate. You may not imagine and there is simply no evidence in this case to support that contention. George Anthonythe first witness said it did not happen. perhaps the defense will clarify this in their closing argumentthat somehow, George Anthony disposed of Caylee's body. The tapes from the House that George Anthony's connected to take somehow connects to place in the tape on Caylees body remembered that Mr. defense counsel said foul. The tape again in the same opening statement, he suggested to you that Roy Kronk somehow took the body. Get it in another location, and then returned it and in fact, one of their witnesses Dr. Spitz suggested that what I would submit to you is based upon the evidence that nonsensical proposition that someone came along took the skull took it home and put tape on it. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you can have it both ways. Either George Anthony is a person that put the tape on which we know he is not true or work want is the one who put the tape on. You cannot have it both ways. The arguments made by the defense in this case. I would submit require you to suspend your common sense to leave it in the Dallas County everything you know about people think and act and why they do what they do. It is a trip down the rabbit hole into a bizarre world where men who love their granddaughters find them drowned and do nothing. Where men who love their granddaughters take an accident. A completely innocent act and make it look like a murder for no reason. A world where man who buried his pads to take the granddaughter, who was the love of his life and throw her in a swamp that is the world that the defense invites you to to occupy and a world where a guy who comes across as call reports that three times to the police and a blown off by them takes the skull and the mandible, which work a lot of reward money takes it home for four months put tape on it somehow. And then brings it back and sets back where it was and calls the police. In any world even the most morally bankrupt, greedy, reprehensible repro bait individuals are motivated by money and they want to report on a child skull that everybody in the country is looking for it and have all are motivated by money and the pleas are not listing you want on the street he turned a corner you buy any one of a dozen reporters and state come with me. I have got a story for you in every single one of those reporters would be -- seen then and there a -- what Roy Kronk had wanted were Kronk is always saw it on tape. Nobody wanted to listen to him so he gave up four months later he came back and he took a look. You can look at the photograph of that body and without any assistance from expert testimony can tell that the body has been there for a very very long time. It did not just get set their. You know, it has been there because the tape is decomposing. The tape is decomposing the tape is not therefore very long time. and we know it is the same tape as a tape in the garbage the tape had been out there for so long. It did not even have cotton on it anymore. So she could not even tell scientifically that it was the same. That is how long they have been out there.
Look at the facts of this case and you will see that Derek is absolutely no possibility reasonable or otherwise that George Anthony had anything to do with the disposing of this body. He is 80 do not mean grandfather who loved that child more literally more than life itself. You watch them on those hours, hours of videotapes and conversations with Casey Anthony he saw the pain. He saw the anguish he saw the questions that he wanted answers to because he did not know. And you have his suicide note, June and January 22, 2009. George Anthony was ready to end his life to be with Caylee and dad know when you read that note. It is going to go back with you. You can read it as many times as you want. There is absolutely no way that Batman that wrote that note, new anything about what really happened to his granddaughter and that is what was killing him. He did not know he had nothing to do with this crime, but the evidence that Casey did is overwhelming. Casey's car when its retreat from the toll yard on July 15 of 2008 Greek of debt. The first witness, you heard about it Simon Birch, the gentleman with the English accent, manager of a toll yard not a police officer and the guy who for 30 years has been involved in tolling cars. He also spent a year in a waste management, which is two years in waste management, which is also I think important. He told you, he said, I have smelled everything that a human can get Cabinet car. People leave their groceries in a car market tollways owned the car gets told. The groceries rot in the back, dead bodies five or six of them I have had cars with dead bodies in them. I smelled it all and yes, I would submit P. smelled rotten milk to a told you that when he approached the car in the first time in lean to get the bid number. He smelled something and he knew what it was any told you that when he went back there with George Anthony and he smelled that the trunk was open he said to himself Wohl, I know what that is. And Mr. Burt has no reason to lie about any of that he could have stopped there. He was buried very persuasive, I submit to you that we did not. We went further, you heard from professional witnesses crime scene technicians who smelled it unfortunately on many occasions, unforgettable unforgettable is what they smelled the defendant's own father at the time said I smelled it before and I know what it smells like. But we did not stop there, because how from the one person who has studied the older of human decomposition. More extensively than anyone else, Dr. R. pod boss. He spent studying the chemistry of human decomposition the last 10 specifically studying the old order of human decomposition, and he told you that when you open that can he come back and said, I know exactly what it is. But we are not just relying on his nose were relying on science to evaluate the smell....there was a dead body in the back of KC's car. Now the defense presented you Dr. Furtan, who is also spiritedness areaDr. Furtan's main area of interest is that individual human scent. with interest in his he agreed to order coming from the car. In his opinion from decomposition. He tried to propose explanation but alternately, he had to admit that these items would not have given off bills smells.
Ashton goes through the trash that was found in a car. That is not the only evidence you have. a single hair was found in the back of Casey's car. With an artifact that is only found in decomposing bodies. A death band. and that particular expert testimony has not been rebutted by any other testimony, you heard in this case. You heard a lengthy testimony from Steven Shaw. You heard lengthy tussle for Steven Shaw about just that he did where he alertly told you I was trying to create this artist a case artifact in a hair taken from a living person. I try to find every mat that I could think of every decomposition situation I could think of to try and create this particular artifact and could not do it. No matter how hard he tried he could not do bandying was not Banting important thing about all that is when you look at the hairs that actually came from a car from the trunk of a car or from the side of a card the same circumstances as his particular here. They did not have any markings at all. Nothing know decomposition of any kind. So regardless whether you debate whether have a hair buried in the dirt for mod can create something that looks like. So what does hair was not in dirt for mod it was in the back of a car. The point is that the hair was from a dead body.how do you know that that was Caylees body to waste the first is by mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA testing was done on the hair and also on Casey. That mitochondrial comparison proves that they hair came either from came from some maternal relative of Casey Anthony, which means they have to be either from Caylee. Casey Cindy Lee, or save these mother became will we know it is not Casey's because it is too long. And Casey's hair is traded solely know it is not Casey's. We know it is not Cindys, because it is the wrong color. It is not traded in its two long, we know it is not pleased, because it is too long. Please hair is short, this hair is 9 inches long, and we know it is not Cindys mother because Cindys mothers let us see Cindys mother had been in the car ones that Cindys mother's hair is traded. And this hair is not this hair could only come from Caylee Marie Anthony. And remember the testimony. I that they hair is actually taken from Caylee's body. Also had the band, just like a hair from the trunk. Only difference was that hairs from the body had roots that actually completely decompose where the one in the trunk had not as hard as it is to accept when Casey Anthony was at Blockbuster on June 16 walking arm in arm with her boyfriend Tony Caylee was in the trunk of her car in the early stages of decomposition. When Caylee Casey. Casey returned the house on the 17th or 18th. She backed her car into the garage with the intention of burying Caylee in the back yard. She went to Brian Berner Abell borrowed a shovel based upon the dog alerts in the back yard should in all likelihood actually took Caylees body back to the back yard and set it down for period of time was taking too much work. Perhaps, and she decided instead to toss Caylees body in a swamp. The evidence in this case proves beyond any reasonable doubt. Casey Anthony decided on June 16 that something had to be sacrificed that the conflict between the life that she wanted and a life that was thrust upon her was simply erect and silo bowl and something to give. She chose to sacrifice her child to live the life that she wanted. She took her child. She took her life and she put her in the trunk and forgot about her. After couple of days. She could not forget anymore, and she gives this post of her body in a swamp. These are the facts that you have heard and these are the facts that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony is guilty of murder in the first degree -- that murder is premeditated. Defense says and will say that we cannot prove how Caylee Anthony died. That me at cold awards of Dr. J. Geer Ripoll, you the medical examiner in this case, what she said no one there was no good reason to put duct tape over the face of a child. Why should you put duct tape on the face of a child. While there is two reasons, what is perhaps to silence them. But then why he do you need. Remember this case there was a one piece of duct tape placed over Caylee's face. There were three overlapping at angles placed over her face. Why do you need three? What does three to that one does not? What would certainly silenced her, if for some reason that is what you wanted to do as brutal as that would be. Why do you need to rate? Because your purpose is not to simply silence. The child. Their purpose is to make sure your child cannot breed. The first piece goes over the mouth, but that does not secure the Knowles. The second piece goals over the Knowles. You can still have some gaps they have to be thorough. You have to have 3123. And then the child dies. There is simply no other reason. There is no other justification. There is no common sense is just no reason to put duct tape over the face of a child. Living or dead. And that ladies and gentlemen is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of how Caylee died because there simply is no other explanation for why you put duct tape over the Knowles and mouth of a child and paste upon the photograph you have seen. It is crystal clear that bears were at, that was the exact the medical examiner told you the forensic anthropologist told you that there is no question that it duct taped was on Caylees Facebook for her body decomposed because otherwise the mandible would not have stayed on. It was held by the tape. You can look at them and deliberation, but you can see the photographs of duct tape is curved slightly under the jaw buried. Even strands of the duct tape that gounder the jaw at the tape was placed there with one singular purpose. Now, we can only hope that the chloroform was used before the tape was applied so that Caylee went peacefully without fear of gold. She did and she died because she could not breathe. She died because she had three pieces of duct tape over her nose and mouth. And she died because her mother decided that the life that she wanted was more important. This murder was premeditated and the defendant is guilty. Thank you .Recess
Baez is asking what evidence he is allowed to bring up. He doesn't want to "open the door" for State to bring up "no allegation". The jury is brought in. Judge Perry reads the instruction in regard to the testimony of Dr. Rodriguez.
Ashton is up to the state> Ashton thanks the jury for the time. h. puts up a video of Caylee. It is the picture of her at the nursing home visiting her great-grandfather. He plays the video of Casey playing with Caylee on the floor. Parenting is about sacrifice. When you have a child that child becomes your life. Casey is tearful. Ashton describes Casey as feeling overwhelmed by parenting..
The first expectation was that she would work and support her daughter. For whatever reason, her solution was to lie. Her parents believed she was working.
Ashton>It is not the fact that she lies at the pattern of lies. When Casey wants to do with Casey wants to do. She lies. for almost 2 years, She pretends to have a job. She pretends to have a nanny. She pretends to go to work. The problem is is that Casey is with Caylee 24 hours a day. So if she wants to go out at night, her solution is to create a new job with variable hours. She is an event coordinator. Cindy does a mind watching Caylee. Then she meets Ricardo Morales. He accepts Caylee. and how is she going to include Caylee, and not tell her parents. She spends the night three nights a week with Zanny when really she is with Ricardo. The problems start in May. Cindy is not cooperating. She no longer makes it convenient for Casey to stay out. Her parents are getting suspicious. Remember that George was suspicious and went to Sports Authority to look for her. George was told to stay out of it. In fact he was said it in a suicide letter. He said he tried for years and he was told to stay out of it.
The only way for Casey's lies work is of Caylee is not talking. Caylee is to three years old, she starting to talk. She does not know enough to lie. Someone's going to ask her about Zanny.
Casey meets Tony.Tony is a club promoter. He has a fun life.June 13 she goes to the club with Tony. there is nothing wrong with kids going to clubs but Casey is a mom. That life is what she wanted. the first two weeks of June Cindy was on vacation and Casey gets to experience what life is without her parents. Casey is essentially free. She does not have to lie to get around it. So she has a choice. A live tetherd to a child or a life free to be 22.
Why not just give Caylee to Cindy? Cindy would not ever have let Casey walk away. Those were Caseys choices. the life she wanted or the life she had.
The evidence in this case shows, the choice she made. She gave up her child.
On June 16, 2008 Casey left a house. She told the pair she had to work late, she was going to spend the night examinees. She was with Ricardo. She told her father and she told Cindy. She knew that night that she would not have a problem with Caylee Caylee would be dead. She would be in the arms of her boyfriend. She asked, he spent the night at Tony's. On June 17, she said she was spending the night at Zanny;s Cindy would accept one more excuse. Cindy would not accept the continued absence. So one June 18. She told Cindy she was in Tampa. Zanny would be with her. So to add appeal to us the story she adds that another mother will be there. This buys her time with Cindy. And sadly Caylee is probably in the trunk dead.
On June 17 to back the car up in the driveway. On June 18 two borrows a shovel from her neighbor. She tried to bury her like she buried her pets. But it is too much trouble to she just throws her in a swamp.
June 20 Caylees going to Busch Gardens. Zanny will watch her while she is at work conference in Tampa.
She tells him she will be back on the 21st. on the 21st she tells Cindy. She is still at Busch gardens at the conference.
She tells Cindy shall be back on Sunday. On the 22nd she tells Cindy the conference runs late. They are going to stay at Busch.gardens. But she is at Tony's in Caylees in the swanp decomposing.
Now she needs more time. So there is an accident. Zanny's in the hospital. She is going to stay.
On the 24th, she runs into her father. She tells Cindy that she is home to pick up insurance papers for Zanny. Casey is smart. She can think of a light quickly.
June 26 , Zanny gets out of hospital late. So they are going to stay late.sCindy knows her .granddaughter will be home soon. But Casey runs into Jeff Hopkins, the imaginary boyfriend. She stayed at the hard rock Hotel. A fun place. On June 28. She still at the hard rock would say any and everybody is having a great time.
June 30 Caylee going to universal. she makes a mistake on July 1. She tells him the she is going to universal with someone in Jennifer Rosa. . On June 3, Caylee is at universal at a character records Cindy goes to universal. She calls Casey and states are Im here. Casey says she is now in Jacksonville with Jeff Hopkins.
Casey tells Lee that her password was timer55. Timer55 was the number of days between June 16 in Caylees birthday. Timer55, was how many days she keeps Cindy placated until Caylee's birthday.
Jeff Hopkins's long-term strategy. Remember on July 3 of fourth there was a big blowup. Cindy created a MySpace page. She tells her. I am in Jacksonville with Jeff Hopkins, and this man whom I think I could have an actual relationship with a wealthy boyfriend, who has a child the same age as Caylee with whom I think I could have a long-term relationship
Mom you got to get used to the fact that always be with you per Casey. Timer 55, she has to come up with a long-term strategy. maybe she will marry Jeff Hopkins below to your they could extend the 55 days for months. She never had the chance. She tells Cindy she is staying in Jacksonville and will return on the 12th day with Jeff Hopkins. Casey would have kept up with the story as long as she could. July 15 to cars is covered Cindys on a mission. Cindy is going to find and see her granddaughter issue will not be denied. And that is it, she tracks Casey down, and she said I want to see my granddaughter now. Casey tries to rely on the old story and says she is with Zandi. Despite the threat of Cindy Anthony to call to the police. She continues the Zanny story.
She tells an elaborate story finally that Caylees gone. She tells the police about Zanny. She takes them to Universal. She tells him she is a victim her daughter's been kidnapped. but the more they investigate the more her lies fall apart. the police report, she enters the universal buildings with great fact confidence. Casey maintains her lies until they absolutely do not work. In what can only be described if it were true, you could not write this good is the incident Universal Studios. but it is indicative of Casey Anthony and who she is and what she does. Casey puts her hands in her pockets, and finally says I do not work here.
Her claim that she has worked looking for Caylee has been disproven. when she gets out on bail. She now tells the Joe Blanchard story. She states she met Zanny on the 16th at Joe Blanchard Park and Caylee was taken by forced. Zanny held her down. Casey 3.0, the new version.
Caylee's remains are found a quarter-mile from the Anthony home. The first problem is the tape. The tape, you can see. Ashton shows. The jury that duct tape. The duct tape was found on the gas can. the same tape that was used to hang the picture at the command center by George Anthony was used on Caylee. The duct tape has not been sold since 2000..
The laundry bag taken from the Anthony House. Call it Caylees coffin. This is the back she was found.the bag is part of a set. It comes with a square one. This was Caylees coffin
Ashton shows more evidence, He shows Caylee shorts. This is a photograph of Caylee wearing the shorts. Ashton shows a picture of the letters, big trouble. He also shows a picture of Caylee wearing the shirt.
Ashton shows the blanket. It hasPiglet on the blanket.Ashton pulls out the bumper pads from the crib.
one by one all the claims of Caylee being kidnapped is disappeared after Caylees remains were found.
the defense has made many claims that Caylee was found by her grandfather. The defense gave you a very detailed exclamation. the dramatic flair as they told you about Casey Anthony be awakened in the morning by her father screaming at her Wheres Caylee Wheres Caylee. About a frantic search for the child .About a grandfather bringing up wet from having pulled her from the pool and laying her at Casey's feet and
Casey Anthony is crying. The judge will instruct you on the definition of reasonable doubt he would tell you that a reasonable doubt is not a mere possible. A speculative imaginary or forced out such doubt must not influence you to return a verdict of not guilty. If you have an abiding conviction of guilt. The defense's opening statement has not yet est. by evidence in this case. Baez move to strike and he is overruled. In fact the only evidence presented in this case is that it did not happen. George Anthony the first witness, you heard in this case told you that it did not happen. You may not speculate. You may not imagine and there is simply no evidence in this case to support that contention. George Anthonythe first witness said it did not happen. perhaps the defense will clarify this in their closing argumentthat somehow, George Anthony disposed of Caylee's body. The tapes from the House that George Anthony's connected to take somehow connects to place in the tape on Caylees body remembered that Mr. defense counsel said foul. The tape again in the same opening statement, he suggested to you that Roy Kronk somehow took the body. Get it in another location, and then returned it and in fact, one of their witnesses Dr. Spitz suggested that what I would submit to you is based upon the evidence that nonsensical proposition that someone came along took the skull took it home and put tape on it. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you can have it both ways. Either George Anthony is a person that put the tape on which we know he is not true or work want is the one who put the tape on. You cannot have it both ways. The arguments made by the defense in this case. I would submit require you to suspend your common sense to leave it in the Dallas County everything you know about people think and act and why they do what they do. It is a trip down the rabbit hole into a bizarre world where men who love their granddaughters find them drowned and do nothing. Where men who love their granddaughters take an accident. A completely innocent act and make it look like a murder for no reason. A world where man who buried his pads to take the granddaughter, who was the love of his life and throw her in a swamp that is the world that the defense invites you to to occupy and a world where a guy who comes across as call reports that three times to the police and a blown off by them takes the skull and the mandible, which work a lot of reward money takes it home for four months put tape on it somehow. And then brings it back and sets back where it was and calls the police. In any world even the most morally bankrupt, greedy, reprehensible repro bait individuals are motivated by money and they want to report on a child skull that everybody in the country is looking for it and have all are motivated by money and the pleas are not listing you want on the street he turned a corner you buy any one of a dozen reporters and state come with me. I have got a story for you in every single one of those reporters would be -- seen then and there a -- what Roy Kronk had wanted were Kronk is always saw it on tape. Nobody wanted to listen to him so he gave up four months later he came back and he took a look. You can look at the photograph of that body and without any assistance from expert testimony can tell that the body has been there for a very very long time. It did not just get set their. You know, it has been there because the tape is decomposing. The tape is decomposing the tape is not therefore very long time. and we know it is the same tape as a tape in the garbage the tape had been out there for so long. It did not even have cotton on it anymore. So she could not even tell scientifically that it was the same. That is how long they have been out there.
Look at the facts of this case and you will see that Derek is absolutely no possibility reasonable or otherwise that George Anthony had anything to do with the disposing of this body. He is 80 do not mean grandfather who loved that child more literally more than life itself. You watch them on those hours, hours of videotapes and conversations with Casey Anthony he saw the pain. He saw the anguish he saw the questions that he wanted answers to because he did not know. And you have his suicide note, June and January 22, 2009. George Anthony was ready to end his life to be with Caylee and dad know when you read that note. It is going to go back with you. You can read it as many times as you want. There is absolutely no way that Batman that wrote that note, new anything about what really happened to his granddaughter and that is what was killing him. He did not know he had nothing to do with this crime, but the evidence that Casey did is overwhelming. Casey's car when its retreat from the toll yard on July 15 of 2008 Greek of debt. The first witness, you heard about it Simon Birch, the gentleman with the English accent, manager of a toll yard not a police officer and the guy who for 30 years has been involved in tolling cars. He also spent a year in a waste management, which is two years in waste management, which is also I think important. He told you, he said, I have smelled everything that a human can get Cabinet car. People leave their groceries in a car market tollways owned the car gets told. The groceries rot in the back, dead bodies five or six of them I have had cars with dead bodies in them. I smelled it all and yes, I would submit P. smelled rotten milk to a told you that when he approached the car in the first time in lean to get the bid number. He smelled something and he knew what it was any told you that when he went back there with George Anthony and he smelled that the trunk was open he said to himself Wohl, I know what that is. And Mr. Burt has no reason to lie about any of that he could have stopped there. He was buried very persuasive, I submit to you that we did not. We went further, you heard from professional witnesses crime scene technicians who smelled it unfortunately on many occasions, unforgettable unforgettable is what they smelled the defendant's own father at the time said I smelled it before and I know what it smells like. But we did not stop there, because how from the one person who has studied the older of human decomposition. More extensively than anyone else, Dr. R. pod boss. He spent studying the chemistry of human decomposition the last 10 specifically studying the old order of human decomposition, and he told you that when you open that can he come back and said, I know exactly what it is. But we are not just relying on his nose were relying on science to evaluate the smell....there was a dead body in the back of KC's car. Now the defense presented you Dr. Furtan, who is also spiritedness areaDr. Furtan's main area of interest is that individual human scent. with interest in his he agreed to order coming from the car. In his opinion from decomposition. He tried to propose explanation but alternately, he had to admit that these items would not have given off bills smells.
Ashton goes through the trash that was found in a car. That is not the only evidence you have. a single hair was found in the back of Casey's car. With an artifact that is only found in decomposing bodies. A death band. and that particular expert testimony has not been rebutted by any other testimony, you heard in this case. You heard a lengthy testimony from Steven Shaw. You heard lengthy tussle for Steven Shaw about just that he did where he alertly told you I was trying to create this artist a case artifact in a hair taken from a living person. I try to find every mat that I could think of every decomposition situation I could think of to try and create this particular artifact and could not do it. No matter how hard he tried he could not do bandying was not Banting important thing about all that is when you look at the hairs that actually came from a car from the trunk of a car or from the side of a card the same circumstances as his particular here. They did not have any markings at all. Nothing know decomposition of any kind. So regardless whether you debate whether have a hair buried in the dirt for mod can create something that looks like. So what does hair was not in dirt for mod it was in the back of a car. The point is that the hair was from a dead body.how do you know that that was Caylees body to waste the first is by mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA testing was done on the hair and also on Casey. That mitochondrial comparison proves that they hair came either from came from some maternal relative of Casey Anthony, which means they have to be either from Caylee. Casey Cindy Lee, or save these mother became will we know it is not Casey's because it is too long. And Casey's hair is traded solely know it is not Casey's. We know it is not Cindys, because it is the wrong color. It is not traded in its two long, we know it is not pleased, because it is too long. Please hair is short, this hair is 9 inches long, and we know it is not Cindys mother because Cindys mothers let us see Cindys mother had been in the car ones that Cindys mother's hair is traded. And this hair is not this hair could only come from Caylee Marie Anthony. And remember the testimony. I that they hair is actually taken from Caylee's body. Also had the band, just like a hair from the trunk. Only difference was that hairs from the body had roots that actually completely decompose where the one in the trunk had not as hard as it is to accept when Casey Anthony was at Blockbuster on June 16 walking arm in arm with her boyfriend Tony Caylee was in the trunk of her car in the early stages of decomposition. When Caylee Casey. Casey returned the house on the 17th or 18th. She backed her car into the garage with the intention of burying Caylee in the back yard. She went to Brian Berner Abell borrowed a shovel based upon the dog alerts in the back yard should in all likelihood actually took Caylees body back to the back yard and set it down for period of time was taking too much work. Perhaps, and she decided instead to toss Caylees body in a swamp. The evidence in this case proves beyond any reasonable doubt. Casey Anthony decided on June 16 that something had to be sacrificed that the conflict between the life that she wanted and a life that was thrust upon her was simply erect and silo bowl and something to give. She chose to sacrifice her child to live the life that she wanted. She took her child. She took her life and she put her in the trunk and forgot about her. After couple of days. She could not forget anymore, and she gives this post of her body in a swamp. These are the facts that you have heard and these are the facts that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony is guilty of murder in the first degree -- that murder is premeditated. Defense says and will say that we cannot prove how Caylee Anthony died. That me at cold awards of Dr. J. Geer Ripoll, you the medical examiner in this case, what she said no one there was no good reason to put duct tape over the face of a child. Why should you put duct tape on the face of a child. While there is two reasons, what is perhaps to silence them. But then why he do you need. Remember this case there was a one piece of duct tape placed over Caylee's face. There were three overlapping at angles placed over her face. Why do you need three? What does three to that one does not? What would certainly silenced her, if for some reason that is what you wanted to do as brutal as that would be. Why do you need to rate? Because your purpose is not to simply silence. The child. Their purpose is to make sure your child cannot breed. The first piece goes over the mouth, but that does not secure the Knowles. The second piece goals over the Knowles. You can still have some gaps they have to be thorough. You have to have 3123. And then the child dies. There is simply no other reason. There is no other justification. There is no common sense is just no reason to put duct tape over the face of a child. Living or dead. And that ladies and gentlemen is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of how Caylee died because there simply is no other explanation for why you put duct tape over the Knowles and mouth of a child and paste upon the photograph you have seen. It is crystal clear that bears were at, that was the exact the medical examiner told you the forensic anthropologist told you that there is no question that it duct taped was on Caylees Facebook for her body decomposed because otherwise the mandible would not have stayed on. It was held by the tape. You can look at them and deliberation, but you can see the photographs of duct tape is curved slightly under the jaw buried. Even strands of the duct tape that gounder the jaw at the tape was placed there with one singular purpose. Now, we can only hope that the chloroform was used before the tape was applied so that Caylee went peacefully without fear of gold. She did and she died because she could not breathe. She died because she had three pieces of duct tape over her nose and mouth. And she died because her mother decided that the life that she wanted was more important. This murder was premeditated and the defendant is guilty. Thank you .Recess
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