Baez Is this the first time you misspoke to this jury. YM> Yes. You are suggesting I deliberately withheld records. Is there something you are concerned about.
YM> We subpeonaed GMs' record for June and July. We could have tracked his cell phone if we had records, if we thought he was a suspect., after Baez questions him
They subpoenaed, Amy Huizenga, Ricardo Morales, Diane Taylor, Tony Lazzaro and others from Caseys phone.Baez reads a long list of friends of Caylees. Baez is questioning why they did not get Roy Krunks entire records. They did not confiscate Roy Krunks record. They did confiscate a woman's computer who said she had pictures of the Suburban Drive site She also said she was an informant for George Bush.. She was mentally it and had been committed several times.
They confiscated Ricardo Morales computer.
The got a email from a Joe Jordan. He was talking about the site on Suburban Drive. YM requests to see the email. Baez is questioning about when the email was "handed over." YM repeatedly asks for email.
Melich: Doesn't recall when Jordan email was turned over.
YM is questioned on if he shared information with the Anthony's on the day the search warrant was executed. YM does not recall when or if he shared information. Melich said copy of search warrant/list of items confiscated left at CAs' house.
YM testifies he did not have cadavar dogs on George Anthony or Cindy Anthony's car. YM was told that Casey on occasion drive Cindy's car. They did not find anything in Epass records.(toll records). It did ot appear Casey borrowed Cindy's car in the time span in question.
Anthony Home and Caylees' Remains site(Suburban Drive) |
Baez>Casey was arrested on July 15, 2008 and she was out on bound from August to October. She had an ankle bracelet for monitoring. There were media trucks outside of the home. She was only permitted to go to attorneys and jail. YM refuses to testify if the media followed her everywhere. Since October 14 2008 , CAsey has been in jail.
Burdick> The email from Joe Jordan was received 24-36 hours after the remains were found. YM testifes that there were 100',s if not thousands tips received daily.They subpoenaed cell phone records from all CAs' friends for the time in question, when Caylee was missing. The subpeonead the records according to information from Caylee. They later found out if was false. The subpoenaed third party persons.Melich says some of those people who had their phone records subpoenaed because he was looking for Zanaida Gonzalez.
Baez> I know you were busy but JJ claimed to have information in regard to the site. Objections Sustained. YM testifies that he was one of many trying to assist in the case. He does not recall that he provided Cindy Anthonys brothers blog. YM testifies that he did not get information that George and Cindys car smell or if they had trash for three weeks in the car. YM, NO, I didn't have any reason to ask. YMwas present when Deputy Forgery (search dog) searched the car. He is show a drawing YM drew in on March 23, 2011 that YM drew during a hearing. He identifies it as a drawing of the inspection of the garage and Caseys' car.
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