Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stephen Shaw , FBI Fiber Ananlysis

Stephen Shaw is recalled to the stand. He is an FBI fiber examiner. Jose Baez shows him the evidence photos. They are pics of antemortem hairs. (before  death). He identifies the photos of those he took of hairs. Sidebar.

He had 600 hairs from 15 living persons. SS did a study to an attenmpt to receate " post mortem banding." He put hairs in various enviromental conditions. He was doing the study for someone who was writing their thesis.
The FBI has a  board they use for post mortem banding.

   SS identifies hair fiber stored in water for stuy.  He testifies that the examiner initially incorrectly identified the darkened section as "death banding." Baez meets with many objections.  SS testifies that the examiners were being studied. They examined 200 hairs. They all identifiied the post mortem banded hairs. Also, they each identified some of the ante mortem hair as having "post mortem bandidng."

Baez shows another hair. It is another hair with banding. One of the examiners incorrectly identified the hair.After discussion , they correctly identified hair. Baez shows another ante mortem hair with a faint band. It was in potted soil for 100 days. Baez shows another hair, same conditions, decomp is starting, there is banding Baez shows another hair, that was submerged in water for 100 days. The hairs on the tape were consistent with matching the hair on duct tape.
Ashton> SS testifies the pics were shown for a study. The hairs shown were not from this court case.  Ashton reshows him the previous Power Point display of hair fibers . SS is testifying to enviromental conditions used and results. There are varying degrees of color of banding which SS states is not a factor.
For banding, death banding should be above the root . It takes training to correctly identify death banding.
The correct placement is essential for correct identification.They continue to review pics of hairs with varying degrees of banding.


SS is discussing hairs pulled from cadavars. Shaw explains how the banding forms on decomp hair. 

SS testifies he has no hairs , in study, that duplicate the environmental condition related to the hairs, in this case.
Baez> He is discussing the different ante and post mortem hairs in the study. He is specificallsy questioning about the days the hairs in condition hairs and the number of days exposed. SS testifies that condition's are not comparable to the conditions in Florida.  They are going through each pic and reviewing environmental conditions.  
Baez questions SS . SS affirms he can not state all the different conditions that Caylees hair may have gone through in this case.  SS testifies that the current science  one can not clearly say that death banding is evident., by simply looking at a hair. Baez tries to infer that the science is early and new but SS  states that the science is good.  SS affirms that he wants to learn more and the enviromental conditions in relation to hair banding.   This type of science is new in a court of law. Baez is asking if these studies need to be more advanced and do more before it's reliable.   The defense has argued root banding is not a reliable source. Baez says science isn't significant enough now.  SS> You always want to learn more. He already believes the science is well establshed.  The science is well established due to the quality of examiners. They test homicide evidence daily.  
Ashton> The current science is that death banding occurs when a hair is connected to a dead body. SS> Yes
Baez> You did this study because you wanted to learn more. Objection, by Ashton, ask and answered.  Sustained. Baez tries to repeatedly to rephrase question  to no avail. Finally, he states , NO more questions. The witness is excused. 

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