Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sandra Osborne, an OCSO computer examiner.

Next witness is Sandra Osborne, an OCSO computer examiner.  Det. Osborne rec'd evidence. Burdick shows Det. Osborne the cellphone belonging to CA.  Det. Osborne identifies Nokia cellphone. Osborne said she uses Cellbright to retrieve contacts, call history, messages, pix, videos, etc. from cellphones. Osbourne said she rec'd phone to contact Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the alleged nanny. Osborne discusses SIM card and extracting info from it. Osborne extracts data in easily readable, web-based report.
Also looked over a lap top she received in July 2008. As well as Polaroid digital and Nikon Cool pix cameras. Osborne says she was able to pull card from Nikon. A video on it was nursing home visit w/ Caylee and her great grandfather. 

.Osborne said she rec'd Compaq laptop computer from Det. Beasely. Detective . McBryde collected it from Anthony home Osborne said forensic computer extraction tool can see every bit of info that user may not see.Forensic computer examiner protects original evidence by using WriteBlocker to prevent writing to original. Osborne said she works from copy of original hard drive, puts original away. She searched the hard drive on July 18th, 2008. 
This computer examiner says she just runs the reports she is asked to. She hands over the results to other detectives/ investigators. Osborne tells jurors she can pull up ANYTHING that's EVER been on a computer - even deleted file.
Osborne says Firefox and Safari were on HP computer to access Internet. It also had  computer. Find any info on Zenaida Gonzales or anything to find where Caylee is. She found temporary files with "Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez" from July 16, 2008. Several searches on Peoplesearch, Reunion sites, google search, looking for age range 22-29 in Orlando and Jacksonville.  There were no results on searches. They found 4 1/2 years of internet history. The Anthony's never cleared their Internet history. WOW!  
Osborne says she found resumes of George Anthony's. Not a lot of business type files.  The password Rico23 was set early   2008.Osborne is looking through files.  Osborne> Perhaps, March 2008  (Does this refer to Ricardo Morales, his age, and the time she started dating him?)  Osborne is explaining Internet history( sites visited)  and Internet files (page views). She used a program , NET FILES,  to evaluate Internet files.  NET FILES is the professional communities tool of evaluation. Jury taking a lot of notes during talk of computer searches on chloroform, per reports.
She evaluated the laptop belonging Ricardo Morales' computer in October 2008.Sgt. John Allen gave it to her. She followed the same protocal as the evaluation of the Anthony computer. She removed the hard drive on October 28, 2008, 724pm(clock on computer) and actual time in Orlando 324p. She was asked to perform  the same keyword searches and to obtain photos of Caylee and Casey. She was asked to look for any pics of Caylee wearing a pink shirt w purple writing on it. Osborne is looking at this picture. It's one the jury saw before, taken in Ricardo Morales' bedroom. She found it. It's the pic of Caylee and CA on Ricardo's bed. Caylee is wearing the "big trouble comes in small packages" shirt.She was asked to look for any pics of Caylee wearing a pink shirt w purple writing on it. The shirt was found with her remains

LINK TO PIC>,%2Bcaylee%2Banthony%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26pwst%3D1%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D659%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divnso&itbs=1


Lunch break

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