Casey Anthony: She lies; we listen; it’s exhausting
Casey Anthony watches a video of herself and her brother talking in the jail. Photo credit: Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel
This is the test that Casey Anthony presents for trial followers. She’s just too much, isn’t she?
The detectives seemed exhausted in 2008 when they tried to get answers from Anthony. Now we know their frustrations as tapes of her talking in police recordings and jailhouse videos played in court today.
WESH-Channel 2 anchor Jim Payne said, “It’s one thing for the prosecution to make claims that Casey Anthony is a liar. It’s quite another to see her spin one after another and then get caught.”
Judge O.H. Eaton Jr., WESH’s legal analyst, looked stunned. “This is one of the most fantastic testimonies I’ve ever heard, and it was just one lie after another after another after another,” Eaton said. “They were very organized. I think the jury is going to get a message that Casey Anthony knew something about what happened to this child at that time, but of course we don’t know exactly what that is yet.”
Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.
WFTV-Channel 9’s Kathi Belich highlighted the tape of Lee Anthony trying to get information about Caylee from Casey. “All he got from her was more lies, misleading tips and more promises to give him good information that she never kept,” Belich said.
Belich also contrasted Casey’s claim that her father, George, sexually molested her with a jailhouse chat in which she told him, “You’ve been a great dad and the best grandfather.”
Adam Longo of Central Florida News 13 highlighted the importance of the audio and videotapes that played in court today. “If Casey Anthony herself doesn’t end up taking the stand, the impression she makes today — through those audio and videotapes — is the only impression the jury is going to have to go with,” Longo said.
WESH’s Bob Kealing focused on Anthony’s session with three detectives. “Anthony admitted lying to the cops, purposely misleading them,” Kealing said. “They tried to reason with her. But Anthony did not crack.”
WKMG-Channel 6 legal analyst Mark NeJame said of Anthony: “I’ve never seen anything like it in 30 years. I’ve had clients who were pathological liars. But at some point they seemed to break and they seemed to come to their senses. You don’t see it at all here.”
WESH’s Eaton was struck that Anthony talked during the jailhouse interviews even though a sign warns that the conversations are being recorded. “They’re talking like nobody is listening,” Eaton said with a surprising smile.
Eaton said the defense can’t refute what’s in the tapes. So what to do?
“Their defense in the case is that there was an accidental drowning, so it doesn’t make any difference what she says,” Eaton said.
Anchor Payne made the same point another way: ”Proving that she’s a liar is one thing. Proving her guilty of first-degree murder is completely another thing.”
WOFL-Channel 35 anchor Bob Frier asked, “How devastating was it seeing these tapes today, now that we know she was lying, seeing Casey lie so well to so many people?”
WOFL legal analyst Hal Uhrig said, “I think it was very powerful for the state, it was a good day for the state. On the other hand, remember this lying and this kind of aberrant behavior doesn’t make any sense [of] whether she murdered her child or the child died an accidental death. In any event, this is a disturbed woman who is a great liar.”
Is there a cost to your mental health for listening so long to a disturbed woman?
What do you think?
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