Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Brendon Fletcher, First deputy on scene, July 15, 2008

He is employed with Orange County Sherriff on July 15th, 2008. He was a corporal at the time. He was the first officer to arrive. He arrived in a  marked patrol car and in full uniform. He was responding to a stolen vehicle call. When he arrived , he thought that it was a stolen vehicle and vebal altercation with daughter. He approached the door.  He went into the house. He made contact with the complaintant and gathered information. He recalls three adults in the home. He remembers Cindy, George and Casey being at the home. George did not say too much.Cindy was "quite upset" and she was giving event information. He asked about the nature of the call. Later, he gathered more information to the whereabouts of her granddaughter. He spoke to Casey within 10-15 minutes. She stayed in the general vacinity of room. He asked her several questions and she was  not forthcoming with giving information. He initally was not getting information from Casey. Eventually, she told him the daughter was missing for 30 days  and was taken by the nanny. She was conducting her own investigation . Another deputy arrived. He contacted his "rank" Sgt Reginald Posey.  He directs the action of the deputies. He assumes responsibility of investigation upon arrival to scene. At the time, she did not know the name of location of last scene of the child. However, she could take her. He drove to the Sawgrass Apts. Casey drove with a female officer in a separate vehicle. Casey took them to the first building , 2nd floor. He does not remember the address. He is shown his testimony. He identiifies his police report. It was apartment 210. He did not have the opportunity to speak to anyone. The apartment blinds were open and the apartment appeared to be vacant. Casey left with Deputy Esevado, the female deputy.
Jose Baez cross examinations. When the deputy arrived the garage was open.The car doors and trunks were open.  He had walked by the car to talk to individuals. He did not observe any odor but attempts to explain he was not by the car for any length of time. There were other officers at the scene.  He attempts to ask if the deputies reported any decomp. It is objected and sustained. No further questions. Then Baez returns and asks about his report. He is asked about the methodology of report. If he briefs someone of a fact or if someone briefs him , he puts it i n the report. The officer says "NO" He explains it is placed in a supplemental report.  His observations are part of the report.  The report only places facts HE observes.  Casey did not report anything significant that is not in report.  He attempts to ask him whether there  is decomp reported. Objected and sustained according to State versus Johnson. He encourages attorneys to read the document. It is dealing with impeachment and police reports.Recess for lunch.

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