Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Amy Huizenga, BFF at the time, June 1, 2011

George and Cindy are in the courtroom. George has a Bible and a notebook in his lap.Judge Perry is addressing motions. The are addressing the statement that Erici Barker is the paternal father. Was it entered as another lie or imaginary people?   They are addressing page 79-84 of yesterdays testimony by Cindy Anthony as questioned by the Defense. They wanted to enter Casey's felony record. The entering of hearsay evidence ( Eric Barker is he father as testified by Cindy) in the Florida statute would have allowed them to enter in the criminal record.  However, in reading the  transcript the prosecution is requesting to remove the motion if defense agrees the information  was entered into in regard to Casey's habitual lying. Recess until 9am. Judge Perry  thanks the defense and prosecution for coming in early.
The defense table is prepared and sitting at table.
Amy returns to the stand.  Jury is returned. 

Amy is being cross examined by Jose Baez. Amy agrees that they were only friends from May -July. The generally communicated through text messaging. He shows Amy copies of test messages from April-July. Baez is showing stack of papers that have text messages from phone. Baez is disputing their level of friendship based upon they amount of  communication  via text. Although, this is a common communication tool of young adults today. Baez is stating that there is only on about Cindy. Amy states she hasn't read them all. Baez states the majority of texts are from Amy asking Casey to go out. There are various reasons why Casey could not go out. Baez is disputing that she new definitively about Cindy and Caseys" relationship. Amy" I testified what I was told" and repeats it. Amy agrees she testifies to the smell . Baez says she only received one text. Baez is questioning her memory and states she was drinking heavily during that time. Amy denies she was going our every night."Maybe 3-4 nights a week. I could not afford to go our eerynight."  Amy states, "I was going out not anymore than people my age at the time." Amy denies she was drinking significantly. Baez is stating she was drinking the night she wrecked her car. She denies she crashed due to drinking. She was not charged. She had stopped drinking  3 -4hours prior to driving. "It was a long stretch of road.I had nodded off before." Baez is attempting to enter into evidence Amy's text message that states "Thank God , I  did not get a DUI." Sidebar. 
Amy admits to "totalling" her car. She admits to sending text message for her fiends to cll her in 10 minutes in case "she passed out." The airbag blew up. Amy denies it effected her memory. She did not see a doctor and she does not know the extent of injury. 
After Casey dated Ricardo, Amy moved in with Ricardo Amy met Jesse after she met Ricardo. Amy went out with Jesse. Amy admits she told Jesse that she always wanted to meet a good chrisitian boy. Amy testifies they  Baez attempts to ask Amy how many of Casey's boyfriend she dated.It is met with ojections and she does not have to testify to the questions. Amy cannot offer any information as to what happened to Casey.
Apparently, Amy was handed a subpeona afer course, to testify for the defense, and it its being noted that amy was mad. "I live out of the country." She was not happy. 
Amy is dismissed for now but states she wants to say something. Amy is called to  sidebar to talk to Judge Perry. It is assumed that they are reviewing her later testimony and if she needs to  come back. Amy lives in Europe.  Amy leaves Sidebar and appears elated. She walks out of court happily.

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