Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 2011 Questioning, Tony Lazzaro's Roommates.Sutton Park Apartments.

Well, Judge Perry starts the day  "laying down the law" Apparently, the State is not releasing the daily witness list and therefore the Defense is not prepared with the files. When the witness list is called the
Defense has to go find the files. Judge Perry states the State cannot force the Prosecution to give them the list bt if thee want to play games, he will play games. He tells them he is not going to keep the jury waiting while someone searches for files. He states he will cut the lunch time to 35 minutes and they will work on Sundays. He is angry and calls a recess.CaseyAnthony is still sitting at the defense table as court is in break, occasionally talking to her defense team.

 Cameron Campano is called to testify. He is 23  years old. He lives in Cleveland , Ohio. He attended college in Orlando. He lived with Anthony Lazzaro. he had two roommatate, Clint House and Nathan Lithavitch. He first met Casey at a friends birthday party. There was nothing "out of the ordinary." about her deameanor. She started staying at the apartment in the middle of June. He met Caylee four times.  He would see her at the apartment. he knew Caseys job was an event Lazarro she was going to coordinator at Universal. Casey at times would say she was "stressed out" about work." He testifies and then it is sustained that she told Anthonyt never   Lazzarro she was going to get red carpet tickets to the Batman premiere "but that never  happen." Casey was staying there, from what he understood, while she looked for an apartment with Am Huzienga. He never saw her get ready for work.He may have saw Caylee one time after she moved in but in not sure. Caylee was reported to be at the "beach" with the nanny for a birthday. Casey would mention she talked to Caylee on the phone. He never witness he talking to a nanny or Caylee. She would talk on the phone and would walk outside to continue the conversation.  One time she said she was speaking to her mother. He asked why she goes outside to talk and Casey said it was her  time to  vent.He did not see her drink but one time she came home drink, He never met Casey's parents. There were never any of Caylees clothes at the house. There was a Pink Panther book and video left at the house. She never metioned  Caylee was missing. Casey never asked for help searching and never mentioned she was searching. He came home after  Cindy was at the apartment. He et Lee Anthony. He told Lee he was sorry and offered him help when they met. He gave Lee a bag of clothes that belonged to Casey. Lee was calm but worried. He never had contact with Lee Anthony after that day.
Jose Baez crosses. The only question Jose Baez's asks if Mr Campano was there the day Caylee died in the pool He states "No." There is objection from the prosecution and is is overruled.
Nathan Levmevitch, Tony's other roomate is on the stand. . He met Casey at Daniel Howards birthday party.That is where Tony first met Casey as well. Casey was outgoing a normal 22 year old. He found out about Caylee about a week later. He met Caylee at the apartment. He met Caylee 2-3 times. He testifies Casey said she was an event coordinator at Universal.  He testifies  that she said she could get tickets to a Batman premiere. She would never complain about he work to him. He says he never saw her get ready for work per se, but she would get ready and leave the house when they did  in the morning. He remembers Tony going to help her with the car at the Amscot.She cooked and cleaned. He socialized with her at Fusion nightclub on Friday evenings.She cooked, cleaned and was a "shot" girl at Fusion night club. Anthony had a prodcution  company and they worked there on Friday..Jose is objecting to the picture of Casey at Fusion night club but Judge Perry states it has not been shown yet.  The defendant can not recall the date the pic with Casey is wearing the blue dress on but knows it was at Fusion night club. he was there. Objection and sidebar. Pic is entered as evidence with stipulation of  objections from  defense. Casey appeared out-going and having a good time at these events. He never saw her distraught, depressed, worried or unhappy. "NO" He was never to told Caylee was missing nor was he asked for help. He was home when Cindy came over. They were playing video games waiting for the All Star game to begin. There was a knock at the door. There was a girl he never met before. Casey stepped out for a couple of minutes. She came back in and Cindy and her were in an argument Casey told Cindy  would go outside and speak with her but would not leave with her. He then met Lee later that evening. Lee felt bad for them. Casey was known to get in trouble here and there. Objection sustain when he states Lee said he wished he could have  met them earlier and warn them. Anthony helped Lee gather Caseys  belongings. Later the police came over and retrieve Casey's cell phone. They were only there for 5 minutes. Lee then came over after police . Police then came over the second time and searched the apartment fo 20-25 minutes  .He never say any clothing or toys belonging to Caylee at the apartment. Prosecution rests
Cross by Jose Baez. He states he saw Caylee 2-3 times when asked. He asks questions about Caylees well-being, She was not hunger, dirty, mal treated. He never say Casay strike Caylee. The roommate testifies there were no sign that Caylee was dead, when asked by Baez. Casey parked her car outside the apartment near the apartment door. No further questions.
 Roy "Clint" House is to testify His testimony is that Casey stayed there.He met Casey at a party he attended with his other roommates. It is the first night Anthony  met Casey. She seemed like a fun party girl. He fond out through Tony that Casey had a child.   He met Caylee at the Sutton Place apartmnts. He saw Caylee 4-5 times at the apartment. Caylee  neverr spent the night. Casey did. Casey started staying over there nightly at the beginning around the beginning of June. Casey told the she worked at Universal. He denies seeing any credetials. She would come back in the evening. When Casey started staying there full -time he never say Caylee. He asked where Caylee was and she said she was with the nanny. She never said the name. The nanny was local and Caylee was not mentioned .She did not appear worried with Caylee being with nanny. Clint was a business partner with Tony. Casey participated in "hot body" contest.She was a shot girl. She mingled with the crowd. She was happy. She did not appear distraught or worried. Her and Tony appeared happy with each other. Tony was happy.He had soon after move out and had had a falling out a bout Fusion. Casey made an effort to get them back together. She never mentioned Caley was missing. She did not appear to be searching for her  daughter.
Defense crosses and questions the well-being of Caylee. He denies she was mistreated or malnourished. He was not there when Caylee visited and went in Tonys pool. He testifies everyone had a computer and he was not a "monitor" of computers when questioned by Baez. He testifies he was a promoter. His job as promoter was not to sell the atmosphere. Fusion was a sushi bar by day and martni bar by night. Casey was not a shot  girl but was not manager but "took an interest" in the shot girls and helping Tony. Casey cooked and cleaned at the house.y 
Maria Kissh is on the stand.  She  was actually dating Clint Houise during the time that Casey Anthony was with Tony Lazzaro.This is not the first time we are hearing of Kissh. The prosecution mentioned her in opening statements. She met Casey at a party atmosphere. She was introduced by Clint and introduced as the girl Tony was dating at the time. She met Caylee at Tony's apartment.tCaylee anwered the door. She had never met  Caylee before that. Casey was not in the room Casey came out of Tonys room. She saw Casey came out of the room for a minute and then went back to Tony's room. She spent about 20 minutes with Caylee. Clint was busy and Caylee was on the balcony with her. When it was time to go , she felt uncomfortable leaving with Caylee out on the balcony. Casey was not in the room. Objection and sidebar.Tony, Casey and Caylee were going to leave. Casey and Tony came out and Casey told Caylee to get her shoes on  and Caylee was struggling and she helped Caylee with her shoes. Caylee was verbal. She never saw Caylee again She would visit the apartment 2-3 times a week. Casey was there all the time.We were acquaintances. They were polite. Casey said she worked for Universal as an event planner.  She did not mention her hours. She did not see any credentials from Universal nor did she question it. They spent time together at clubs. Tony and Casey got along well. They appeared to get along. Baez appears frustrated by line of questing and shifts in his seat. She recalls June 20th being at the club with Casey and Anthony. She recalls there was a hot body contest and Casey participated in a blue dress. The prosecution is projecting a photo of Lezniewicz and Casey Anthony at a night club t.he trial, Kissh identifies the people in the pic. Caseys role was to be in charge of shot girls. She heard her directing shot girls. Caseys behavior did not  appear angry. Kissch spent the night Kissch saw Casey in the kitchen the next morning. Casey stated Caylee was at the beach and Casey stated she paid the nanny 400 dollars a week.  There are objections when the prosecution attempts to ask Kissch if she asked Casey about the paternity of Caylee.Kissch states she had went in Casey's vehicle to dinner.
 Baez is now questioning Kissh for the defense’s cross examination.  Kissh testifies the was no odor in the car. Baez ikistates she did not like Casey? She denies not liking Casey. Baez states you did not like Casey at the house with CASey. Kissh denies having concers with CAsey being at the house with her boyfriend. Baez states, "That did not bother you at all?" Kissch states , "No, she was dating Tony."  Kissh is exiting  the courtroom now that both sides have finished questioning her
CaseyAnthony is standing with her attorneys before being lead out of the courtroom.  Lunch.

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