Saturday, May 28, 2011


Cindy Anthony is now on the witness stand. She has been in court every day of her daughter’s trial. 

Cindy Anthony asks for a bottle of water when walking   to the witness stand.Cindy's voice is shaky. She has lived on Hopespring road since 1989. They moved there when Caylee was 3 and Lee was 8. Her parents lived in Florida and George's parents were in Florida in the winter.In 2005, Caylee was born, Cindy smiles. She identifies Casey was the mother. She found out June 30th, 2005. Casey was pregnant,  Casey came and told her while she was at work. Cindy did not have an office so Casey and her went to Cindy's car and spoke. At her brother's second marriage  on June 8, 2005. Casey attended the wedding. Cindy was not suspicious of Casey being pregnant  until the day of the wedding.Casey always had  trouble  with her periods.They both had the same cycle. They both had issues with bloating with their periods and always joked whether they  looked  pregnant. Casey had been sedentary and she thought she was gaining weight. She had gained only 15 pounds during her pregnancy. It was not a situation they were trying to hide. When the found out she was pregnant they told all family members. Cindy started planning  a shower. They started planning for Caylees arrival. They had Caylee's nursery  finished in 2 weeks. They had a Winnie the Pooh theme. Cindy Anthony is crying as she identifies a photo of Caylee’s bed. Cindy sobs and covers her mouth. Cindy apologizes for her tears. She testifies the pillowcase is missing but it is her bed. She identifies the stuff animals in the bed.  Casey Anthony does not show much emotion as her mother wipes away tears. The jurors have notepads on their laps but none appears to be taking note . Cindy is obviously upset. The.jurors seem to be attentive to the video monitors as they are shown a series of photo exhibits.Cindy Anthony is crying on the stand. Cindy is showed a layout of the home on Hopespring road..Cindy identifies it as true. Cindy shows them on the layout where Caylee's room was and where ee Casey's room is placed.  Cindy testifies that they do not use the front door as an entryway.They use the garage door. She is shown an aerial view of the home. She testifies it as an accurate view of the home the home in now. In 2008, they removed the grass, from the back of the home. They have been unable to grow grass since 2008. The have placed concrete in the backyard since 2008.  The pool and the shed remain in the same place.  She is shown an area where there was grass in 2008 and ow there is concrete. There are three sheds on the property. The entire property is fenced The only entry way has a shed at the entrance. It is purposely placed to prevent entrance . the door is locked and then padlocked. She identifies Caylees playhouse and the pool. She identifies the pic of the front of house from 2008.
She identifies the area marked by prosecuter, as the entryway to the home. The prosecuter marks the pic of the left hand side of the house. It is the pic of the only entrance to the back yard in 2008. The prosecuter marks the garage door and it is identified.  Cindy thindentifies the next pic as the pic of the left side of the house after entering the gate door.  The prosecuter marks two sheds in that entryway. Cindy identifies them . There is a structure beyond the sheds and it is a partial view of the pool. She identifies the top of the pool as about 4 feet. Cindy is 5'4'. The pool is about chest high. Cindy states the yards slopes . There is about a foot difference from the lowest point of the pool to the highest point.  Cindy is being shown a pic of the back yard with a pic of Caylee's playhouse.  Beyond the playhouse, not  inte pic, is the area in the yard from the the kitchen access. Cindy cries as she sees Caylees picnic table and sandox . The house has a mailbox. It is very sweet.  Casey shakes her head'No"  Cindy testifies the pic is an accurate description of that area. Cindy is crying . She testifies they made a patio stone floor in the playhouse so Caylee did not have to sit on grass. She got the house on her Caylee second birthday. Lee and Cindy purchased the house.  The landscaping was done by George and Cindy. Cindy bought the mailbox.  Cindy remains crying. 
She is shown a pic of the inside the house. She identifies it as a true  and accurate description.She identifies the doors to backyard. There are locks on screen doors with. locks at "normal height. There is a door from the master bedroom, as well. There are no obstacles in door way. Sometimes she used master door when exiting the pool to master bathroom.The door by kitchen is door utilized to access the backyard. Cindy identifies the inside house pic as it was in July, 2008. Cindy testifies the house was childproofed the home with doorknob protection and outlet  protection.Casey purchased child protection apparatus to prevent the opening of doors and outlet protection.
Caylee could make her needs known verbally. She could tell you a story. Caylee lived at the Hopesping address her entire life. Casey always lived with George and Cindy all her life. If Casey and Caylee spent the night outside of home she would see them the next day.

Cindy  never went more than 24 hours without seeing Caylee.Cindy was on vacation in  June 2008. She usually takes he birthday week off. She had Caylee on Fathers day, 2008. Lee and Casey had plans so she wen to see her father in nursing home. Casey was working. She is shown a pic of Caylee taken at nursing home. It was June 15, 2008.Casey is wiping tears. Caylee was  3ft tall. She was above Cindy's waist level. 'She appx weights as 30lbs. She could still carry her if she had to.After the nursing home, they went to go have lunch with Cindy's mother. they returned home appx 430p. Casey was not home. Caylee wanted to go swimming but she told Caylee she had to eat first. They went swimmng later. They access the pool via ladder.The ladder  has a detachable exterior ladder. When Caylee was a toddler thy started moving the exterior ladder. The "lip" of the pool is mid sternum to Cindy. Cindy is testifying as to the height and weight of ladder. "A small child could not lift it" per Cindy. On June 15th, she put the ladder on the pool. Caylee waited patiently. Caylee was able to clmb the ladder, to enter the pool, while protected by 
Cindy. Caylee would see on platform at top of ladder and await Cindy behind her , to enter the pool and hold her while Caylee was in the pool. She protected her. They spent a long time in the pool. Caylee would wear a life jacket in the pool. Casey came home while they were in the pool. Casey did not get into the pool. Casey assisted Caylee out of the pool. She had a towel and they Casey was going to help Caylee shower. Cindy took the ladder off the pool "as usual."  "That evening was a very emotional and beautiful evening.. I remember yet as if it were yesterday." She had recorded the visit with her father, as he was in hospice and she did not know if it was the last time she would see her father. They watched the video and photographs in Lee's old room , on the computer , and they cried together. Eventually, George came home . She went to bed early as she was the early supervisor at work. She never saw Caylee again. She believed Caylee was in her home when she left. Cindy weeps. 
Cindy believed Caylee had a job. She was an event coordinator. Her hours varied, sometimes she worked in the evening and most times sh worked in the eveniing. She thought  it was true because Casey had a lanyard ID with the Universal name and she saw emails and texts from her boss. Sometimes she work other peoples name tag. She said CAsey told her it was something her and her coworker did. CASey had pics of her from work. They pics were from before Caylee was born. She believed Casey went back to work. She denies it was what SHE  thought it was true but she knew it was true because Casey went to human resources. There was time Cindy talked to  Casey's boss  in regard to Casey possible being let go because of exhausted the amt of allowable reprimands. Cassey showed her emails from boss n 2008. Casey printed and showed her emails of the schedule of Spring 2008. Casey then left to work.  Cindy and George babysat when they were not working. On June 16th, 2008. She believed Casey had a babysitter named Zanny. She was a friend of Casey's. She was one of the primary babysitters. She did not know Zanny,, Zanny lived by Jeff Hopkins in UF student housing. Lauren Gibbs was Casey's friend who babysat for Caylee. Cindy met Lauren Gibbs. Casey contributed to household with housework.  Casey always had extra clothes with her. Most of the time she was dressed to "go to work."  Cindy was never able to find Zanny or never met her. She had been looking for Zanny since July 15th, up until 6 weeks ago. 
On June 16th, 2008  Cindy went to work. Cindy talked to Casey via voicemail. She may have talked to CASey for a few seconds. Casey's plan for the day was discussed. She was going to stay the night at  Zanny's and go to work in early am. It made sense to Cindy due to Cindy's late schedule on Mondays. George had to work on Monday.  George was scheduled  to work 3p-11p on Monday. Cindy thought Casey would return to the hone on Tuesday. CAsey saiid she was in "negotiations" and the meetings were lengthy. Cindy was expecting them to return on Wednesday.Casey said the "negotiations" with Hard Rock local were  moving to Tampa. She thought it would be nice to take Caylee to Tampa. Juliette Lewis was taking her child, Annabelle,too. Zanny was willing to go to Tampa and care for the children. She expected to see them Saturday, June 21st, 2008. Cindy talked to her everyday. They  usually talked in am and pm. they Caylee usually talked on the phone. However, "there was always a reason why Caylee could not talk. There was always a reason why she had missed her." On Friday, Casey told her that the meetings were going to extend into Saturday and then Zanny;s friend was coming to Tampa and they were all going to spend Sunday in Tampa. Monday, Cindy waited all day for Casey to call. They had agreed Casey would call when she got back. Cindy was concerned about her well-being. After waiting until 3p, CASey called and told Cindy, ' there had been an accident. " Zanny had been in a serious accident and Cawy was all day at the hospital. Raquel was with then. (another friend of Casey) Cindy could not talk to Caylee because  someone had taken Caylee and Annabelle to walk around. The children were not allowed in the Emergency Dept.
Cindy remembers George calling her about the shed break-in, on June 24th, It was before noon that day.Cindy had spoken to Casey that day and casually told her about  the shed break in. Casey was still in Tampa with Zanny. Casey did not tell her she took the cans. She eventually found out , Casey had been at the house. Cindy questioned her about being at the house. Casey said she had returned to get Zannys insurance  information . Zanny's family member was to let them iin Zanny's apartment. Cindy asked her why she did not bring Caylee home.? Casey said she did not think about it. She told Cindy she returned the gas cans and she had taken them just in case, for her trip to Tampa. Casey told her she thought there was a problem with her gas gauge. Cndy thought she was in Tampa during the gas can event but she did not think it was significant. Cindy asked why she was caring for Zanny and not her family. Casey stated Zanny mother's was very ill and ZAnny;s brothers were caring for their mother.. Zanny's roommate Raquel had been hurt in the accident  and her family was coming to get her.  Cindy was missing Caylee and started cuddling with Caylee's teddy bear, "teddy." Recess. 
Cindy returns to stand. Jury returns.  There s an immediate sidebar.
A few days later, the teddy  bear was missing. She told Casey she had been sleeping with Teddy. She thinks it was later Caylee was missing.June 25-27, Cindy did not see them .She had expected to see them.Casey had stayed because Zanny had a concussion and was being  observed for internal bleeding. She was hoping she would surprise her at work on Friday and bring Caylee. Cindy told her that she had returned but she was called into work to be debriefed on events while she was away. She did not see the Friday evening because Jeffrey, who lived out of state, was in town. Casey had dated Jeffery in the past. Caylee and Jeffs son , Zachary, knew each other and she thought since Jeff was going to see Zanny, it would be nice for Caylee and Zach to play together. There were numerous times in 2006- 11/2007, that Cindy was to meet Zachary. Casey thought that she may want to settle down with Jeff in the future. There were multiple dates for Seaworld and meeting Jeff's family that never transpired.  These potential never occurred, one time because Jeff had an asthma attack, but Jeff never was present at planned events.  Jeff was staying near Hard Rock, on June 27th and they were all to have dinner. Her impression of Jeff was he was independently wealthy and he had a suite and Casey a d Caylee 
had been asked to stay the night. They would visit he parks with the children the next day. Cindy describes  Casey as an adult and she did not control her coming and going. Nor did she control  Caylee. Cindy took another vacation June 30th-July4th. She had vacation time she would lose. She went back to work the following Monday.  She expected Casey to come home and get new clothes. Cindy states her and George continued their life and went out. She was not at home waiting for Caylee and Casey. She always communicated with Casey daily, via phone, text and or email. 
After July 4th, Cindy was expecting to watch Caylee on her vacation. She does not remember exactly why she did not. Cindy told Caylee she wanted to babysit especially with Zanny recovering. CAsey was working on an event with Make-a-Wish . She said it would be a fun event for Caylee to be there. Annabelle was going to be there with Juliette. Cindy asked to be invited. Casey said that it was by invitation. Cindy asked who would care for Caylee and Casey said it was an organized event and there was someone she trusted and she would be able to check in on CAylee.  Cindy decided on July 3rd, 2008 , to drive to Universal. Earlier that day, Cindy had some issues and she wanted to talk to Casey and wanted to see Caylee. The issues were money issues with CAsey, after going to the bank.She talked to Casey and found out she was at Universal and drove to talk to her. Casey did not know she was coming.Cindy arriveed at Guest Services.  Cindy called Casey from her cell phone and told her she was there.  Casey said she was in Jacksonville. Cindy was shocked. Casey said she took CAylee with Jeff to his condo in Jacksonville and they were going to rekindle their relationship.Casey did not want her to know she was taking Caylee out of town without Cindy seeing her. Cindy was shocked and upset.  Cindy did not know what to think she now knew Casey had lied about being in Orlando  and she had been in Jacksonville, She believed her and she didn't believe her.Cindy testifies she had her reservations and doubts. Cindy asked one of her friend in Jacksonville and Cassey's friend Ryan Passly that  lived  in Jacksonville. Ryan stated he talked to Casey that day and Casey said she was coming and they "needed to get together."  Cindy now believed Casey and left Universal. 
She later asked Lee if he had talked to Casey and said "No". Lee thought Casey was still in Orlando due to her MYSPACE posts. Lee and Casey shared some of their friends. Lee said he would try to find out if she was in Orlando from their mutual friends. Cindy said she was angry and upset. Cindy made the MYSPACE page  to reach out to Casey. She thought Casey would "friend" her and see her posts and see how Casey made her feel betrayed. 
The prosecution shows Cindy shows Cindy the MYSPACE Page

TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2008

Cindy Anthony's MySpace Post July 3, 2008


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Current mood: distraught

She came into my life unexpectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankful for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angels .

The defense objects to the posts being entered as evidence. Sidebar.
Objection sustained. Cindy talked to Casey about the MYSPACE page.It was a few days before Casey found about the MYSPACE page. Casey acknowledged reading the posting and thought Cindy was being hard  on her. Objection and sidebar. The courtroom is full of what appears to be "non media and family" today. Cindy is looking down. Casey and her do not look at each other. 
The court is recessed for today. Jury is adjourned until Tuesday.Casey watches Cindy walk out the courtroom. Casey looks around Jose Baez when he steps in her line view. She begins to cry  and talk while her attorney tries to comfort her.
The prosecution has given the judge a motion. They defense objects and Judge Perry states they will address it Tuesday morning. 


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