Amy approaches the stand. She is sworn in. Mr George, the prosecutor will be questioning Amy Huizenga. Amy Huizenga works on a cruise ship as backstage, She met Casey on New Years Eve, 2007. They become close in February. They were close friends. She is friends with Ricardo Morales. Amy lived with Troy Brown as a roommate Casey would go out with Amy.About once a week, Casey could not go because of lack of sitter. Cindy was not available. At times Casey would bring Caylee and Casey would put her to sleep in Ricardo's room and they would hang out. Amy was award Ricardo and Casey had broke up. In May 2008, they were on and off again. Amy was still living with Troy Brown. At the end of May the house Troy was renting was going to be sold. Casey and her had decided that for some reason. Amy does not remember. Cindy and Casey were irritated with one another. Amy would hear beginning and endings of conversations. Normal mother/daughter stuff.
Amy is being shown a a text. Amy identifies it as a text from Casey. Amy had volunteered her phone to police. The text states "downtown tomorrow, my mom owes me" It was sent at 1110p.The next time text 1112p, "This week I am there , no way I am staying home." Amy does not know what Casey meant by what her mom owed her.There were frequent times Casey has to cancel plans due to lack of sitter.
Cindy and Casey's mother relationship was strained. Casey was agitated because Cindy had told her she was an unfit mother. Casey was not sure why Cindy said those things.
There was a time , Amy had fell asleep at the wheel and wrecked her car.She had started staying with Ricardo and JP as she could walk to work. Casey had offered to drive Amy to Jacksonille so she could buy a car from her uncle. She tested Casey that morning to confirm and wake her up.Casey texted her there was an urgent family matter and she had to go to the hospital with George. Amy rented a car and drove herself to Jacksonville. Casey called her and told Amy what had happened with her dad and to check in. Later on , she called and wanted Amy to go to Fusion. Amy was not looking for work but works in theatre and at times is looking for work. Because she thought Casey worked at Universal and Amy wanted to work for Universal she gave Casey her resume. During the month of June 2008, there was about 3 weeks she did not see Casey.They kept in touch.Amy had become aware during that time that Casey was having car trouble. She had 2 flat tires one nighs t, had run out of gas twice and a "extremely bad smell" in her car. Amy is testifying to the smell on the car. Casey had told her about a week late (or less) that the smell had gotten worse. Casey thought George might have run over something. Casey initially said the car had a bad smell. The small had gotten worse a few days later. Casey thought something had got run over. Amy never suggested to Casey to check. They had no further conversation about the car. The first time she heard of the car had run out of gas was about a week before the "bad car smell in car" incident. Casey had sent her a text.She did not ask for help. The second time she ran out of gas, Casey had parked her car at an Amscott lot. Casey hoped she would not be towed.
Casey started staying with Amy on June 30th. She just showed up early at her day. Amy was not expecting her. Amy knew Tony was out of town . Casey was dating Tony. Amy knew Tony was going out of town. Amy figured Casey had been staying with Tony but did not know for sure. Casey had never told Amy she was staying exclusively with Tony nor did she know Casey was not staying at home. During this time (at the end of June) Amy knew there was strife with Cindy and Casey. Not anymore than usual. When she spoke of Cindy , during this time, Casey was frustrated with her mother. There were problems with Cindy wanting to see Caylee. Casey told her she was keeping Caylee away because Cindy and George were having problems. George had cheated Cindy, per Casey. Cindy and George were considering divorce. She did not want Caylee"out of the drama" at home.
Casey was also out of the home because she needed space. Casey never said she "resented" Cindy.Amy describes it as Casey being frustrated. At this time , Amy thought she was moving into the Anthony home. Casey told her she was takig over the mortgage. Amy had gone as far as renting a truck and arranging for movers before Casey had cancelled the move in date. There were various reasons why the move dates had changed. The move in date had change twice. Once because of landscaping needs that George wanted to complete before the "handed the house over." There were about 20 people over and the date had to be changed, per Casey. The last reason was that Cindy had changed her mind about turning over the house. Casey told Amy that per the contract stipulations , Cindy had 30 days in which she could rescind the transfer of mortgage. Amy did not understand it but did not pursue it.
On June 30th, Casey showed up on the door.Casey did not say she needed a place to stay. She did not have luggage but she had clothes in Tony's car. She stayed for a week. Amy did not have a problem with her being there but she could not invite her to stay because it was not Amy's residence.
William Waters is a friend of Amy's. Amy had helped plan a July 4th party Casey. Amy invited her but Casey declined her invitation due to Caylee and a lack of babysitter. Amy told Casey to bring her.Kids loved bar b ques. Casey said she would think about it.
During the period Casey was staying with her, Amy did not have to ask where Caylee was because Casey always offered the information. Caylee was at the beach with the nanny and her the nannys' mom. She was at theme parks."Pretty much doing a tour of Florida. Bush Gardens."
Casey went to the party.Caylee was at Sea World with the nanny, per Casey. July 5th, Amy woke up to "tapping fingers on the computer." Casey was awake and on the computer.Tony was coming home from vacation. Caseys' demeanor was extremely happy. Casey left Amy's home that day. Casey hung out with will that day and then went to pick up Tony from the airport that afternoon. Sidebar.
Amy went to Puerto Rico and returned on July 15th. Casey picked up Amy from the airport in Amys' Toyota Corolla.They group arrived together fron Puerto Rico.They could not all fit in the car. Amy took Casey to Tony's ad then Amy returned to the airport and picked up "the boys."
When Amy returned she took JP to the mall to pick up the new 3GS phone that had just come out on the market. JP really wanted it.While Amy was at the mall, Cindy called. Cindy was scared. Amys' initial reaction was surprise. Amy was cautious speaking with Cindy because Casey had told her she was "crazy." Cindy came to the mall and picked up Amy. Amy needed to take her to Casey. Cindy told her what had bee going on in her life over the last month. Amy took her to Tonys' apartment. They planned for Amy to knock on the door, while Cindy remained out of view.When Casey came to the door, Cindy would "come out" and Cindy would confront her. When Amy knocked on the door, the occupants yelled it was open and Amy opened the door. Amy saw Casey sitting on the couch. Amy motioned for Casey to come out. Casey complied. Cindy came out.Cindys' demeanor on arrival to the apartment was "very confrontational." Immediately there was a "massive explosion of mother and daughter" per Amy Huizenga. Amy describes herself as scared and tried to "close herself off" She went back to the car. After much persuasion, Cindy and Casey went back to the car.They were going to take Amy home. Casey only spoke when spoken to .She would answer Caylee was with the nanny. Amy describes Caseys" responses to Cindy as having crossed arms and a glaring look. "She kinda looked like she was 16 and had gotten caught doing something bad." Baez immediately objects. It is sustained and the jury is instructed to disregard the statement. Amy testifies that Casey said she and Caylee needed their space. No more questions from the defense. The court is recessed for the day.
Judge Perry addresses the jury.They have requested to receive the paper from St Petersburg. Judge Perry stated that they will receive the paper but it will be edited. So he tells them the paper may have "cut outs" in the paper. There is laughter in the courtroom.
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